



本次收集的四篇关于人工智能前沿的文献涵盖了人工智能对产业升级、创新团队增强、创新管理改革和技术预见的不同应用:Analysis of artificial intelligence-based technologies and approaches on sustainable entrepreneurship探讨人工智能对创业和可持续发展中的作用。通过分析482篇人工智能领域的研究文献,结果显示人工智能算法和模型可以帮助实现可持续发展目标,特别是在环境保护方面。Augmenting human innovation teams with artificial intelligence: Exploring transformer-based language models讨论人工智能在支持创新团队中的应用。分析了基于转换的语言模型如何在新产品开发中被用来增强创新效率,探讨了这些技术的优势与局限性。How AI revolutionizes innovation management-Perceptions and implementation preferences of AI-based innovators研究人工智能如何改变创新管理实践。通过对150名AI精通的创新管理者的探索性研究,揭示了不同群体如何利用AI在组织中推动创新,并讨论了AI的潜在影响和实施挑战。Artificial Intelligence in Innovation: How to Spot Emerging Trends and Technologies探讨AI在提前发现技术趋势和支持创新管理中的应用。描述了一个AI数据挖掘模型帮助企业在高度自动化的环境中发现新兴趋势,该模型通过自动更新以适应新数据,显示出其作为预警系统的有效性。这些文献共同体现了人工智能如何在不同层面和领域内推动创新与发展,展示了AI在技术创新、产业升级、创新团队支持和预见性管理中的广泛应用和重要性。通过这些研究,AI的多面性和适应性得以突显,为未来的发展和应用提供了理论和实践的参考。


Analysis of artificial intelligence-based technologies and approaches on

sustainable entrepreneurship


Keywords:Sustainable development;Business entrepreneurship;Artificial intelligence;

Sustainable development goals



Research in the field of entrepreneurship has grown dramatically in the last decade and currently covers a wide variety of topics and concerns. Development in the field of artificial intelligence has a positive and negative impact on sustainable development. The current debate on sustainable development emphasizes the relevance of the environment, behavioral goals, and economic models to achieve sustainable goals, particularly in impoverished nations. However, recently, researchers have proposed the use of algorithms and models based on artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve sustainable development goals. In this context, this study intends to shed

light on AI’s crucial role in aiding sustainable development. To accomplish this goal, we collected data from Scopus (1994–2022). This includes a total of 482 research articles. The investigation shows the most essential patterns of study, enabling the visual mapping of Thematic Maps to suggest several new research paths. The results in the paper indicates that there is a positive relation between AI and environment development on sustainable entrepreneurship.




Gupta BB,Gaurav A,Panigrahi PK,et al.Analysis of artificial intelligence-based technologies and approaches on sustainable entrepreneurship[J].Technological forecasting and social change,2023,186:122152.


Augmenting human innovation teams with artificial intelligence: Exploring transformer-based language models


Keyword:artificial intelligence;GPT-3;hybrid intelligence;innovation teams;prompt engineering;transformer-based language models

关键词:人工智能; GPT-3;混合智能;创新团队;快速工程;基于转换的语言模型


The use of transformer-based language models in artificial intelligence(AI) has increased adoption in various industries and led to significant productivity advancements in business operations. This article explores how these models can be used to augment human innovation teams in the new product development process, allowing for larger problem and solution spaces to be explored and ultimately leading to higher innovation performance. The article proposes the use of the AI-augmented double diamond framework to structure the exploration of how these models can assist in new product development(NPD) tasks, such as text summarization, sentiment analysis, and idea generation. It also discusses the limitations of the technology and the potential impact of AI on established practices in NPD. The article establishes a research agenda for exploring the use of language models in this area and the role of

humans in hybrid innovation teams. (Note: Following the idea of this article,GPT-3 alone generated this abstract. Only minor formatting edits were performed by humans.)




Bouschery SG,Blazevic V,Piller FT.Augmenting human innovation teams with artificial intelligence: Exploring transformer-based language models[J].Journal of product innovation management,2022,40(02):139-153.


How AI revolutionizes innovation management-Perceptions and implementation preferences of AI-based innovators


Keywords:AI-based innovation management;Innovation process;Organizational setup;Organizational context;Cluster analysis



The application of AI is expected to enable new opportunities for innovation management and reshape innovation practice in organizations. Our exploratory study among 150 AI-savvy innovation managers reveals four different clusters in terms of how organizations may use and implement AI in their innovation management

ranging from (1) AI-Frontrunners, (2) AI-Practitioners, and (3) AI-Occasional innovators to (4) Non-AI innovators. The different groups vary not only in their strategy, organizational structure, and skill-building but also in their perceived potential, understanding of the required changes, encountered challenges, and organizational contexts. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the current state of AI-based innovation management, its impact on future innovation practice, and differences in organizations’ AI ambitions and chosen implementation approaches.




Füller J, Hutter K, Wahl J,et al.How AI revolutionizes innovation management-Perceptions and implementation preferences of AI-based innovators[J].Technological forecasting and social change,2022,178:121598.


Artificial Intelligence in Innovation: How to Spot Emerging Trends and Technologies


Keywords:Artificial intelligence (AI), computer-aided foresight, corporate foresight, innovation management, machine learning, strategic decision making, strategic foresight, technology management, trend detection.



Firms apply strategic foresight in technology and innovation management to detect discontinuous changes early, to assess their expected consequences, and to develop a future course of action enabling superior company performance. For this purpose,

an ever-increasing amount of data has to be collected, analyzed,and interpreted. Still, a major part of these activities is performed manually, which requires high investments in various resources.To support these processes more efficiently, this article presents an artificial-intelligence-based data mining model that helps firms

spot emerging topics and trends at a higher level of automation than before. Its modular structure consists of components for query generation, data collection, data preprocessing, topic modeling,topic analysis, and visualization, combined in such a way that only a minimum amount of manual effort is required during its initial set up. The approach also incorporates self-adaptive capabilities,allowing the model to automatically update itself once new data has become available. The model parameterization is based on latest research in this area, and its threshold parameter is learnt during supervised training using a training data set. We have applied our model to an independent test data set to verify its effectiveness as an early warning system. By means of a retrospective analysis, we show in three case studies that our model is able to identify emerging technologies prior to their first publication in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies. Based on our findings, we derive both theoretical and practical implications for the technology and innovation management of firms, and we suggest future research opportunities to further advance this field.


企业应用技术和创新管理的战略预见,以及早发现不规律的变化,评估其预期后果,并制定未来的行动方针,使公司业绩优异。为此,需要收集、分析和解释越来越多的数据。尽管如此,这些活动的主要部分仍然是手动执行的,这需要在各种资源上投入大量资金。为了更有效地支持这些过程,本文提出了一个基于人工智能的数据挖掘模型,帮助企业在比以前更高的自动化水平上发现新兴主题和趋势。它的模块化结构由查询生成、数据收集、数据预处理、主题建模、主题分析和可视化等组件组成,以这样一种方式组合在一起,即在初始设置过程中只需要最少的手工工作量。该方法还结合了自适应能力,允许模型在新数据可用时自动更新自身。该模型的参数量化是基于该领域的最新研究,其阈值参数是在监督训练期间通过训练数据集获得的。我们将模型应用于一个独立的测试数据集,以验证其作为预警系统的有效性。通过回顾性分析,我们在三个案例研究中表明,我们的模型能够在新兴技术首次发表在Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies之前识别出该技术。基于我们的研究结果,我们得出了理论和实践意义,并应用于企业技术开发和创新管理,我们提出该领域的未来研究建议,以进一步推动这一领域的发展。


Muhlroth C, Grottke M.Artificial Intelligence in Innovation: How to Spot Emerging Trends and Technologies[J].IEEE transactions on engineering management,2020,69(02):493-510.









