放映时间/Time: 2023/05/11-2023/05/13 11:00-18:00
地点/Address: 上海市徐汇区安福路298弄2号楼底楼
Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai该活动为邀请制,若您感兴趣前来,请填写以下表单,我们将以邮件形式通知您是否报名成功。The event is by invitation only, if you are interested in coming, please scan the QR code and fill out the form. We will notify you by email if your registration is successful.
假装自己很坚强 Pretending to be Strong (Clara&Maria)贝壳、布面木板油画 Shells, oil on canvas mounted on board展览导览 Exhibition guided tour时间/Time: 2023/05/13 15:00-17:00
地点/Address: 上海市徐汇区安福路298弄2号楼底楼
Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai在文爵个展《超体:丰饶角》的最后一天,BANK将组织面向公众的导览,带领大家神游文爵画作中的自我、神话与轮回。届时,艺术家也将在场,回答观众关于其创作的一切疑问。导览将于5月13日15:00开始,在导览结束后可与艺术家互动。On the last day of Wenjue's solo exhibition "Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousism and The Horn of Plenty", BANK will organize a guided tour for the public, leading them on a journey through the self, myth and reincarnation in Wenjue's paintings. The artist will also be present to answer any questions the audience may have about his work. The guided tour will start at 15:00 on 13th May, and you can interact with the artist after the tour.
- 正在展出 Current Exhibition -
Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousism 展览时间/Duration: 2023.03.10-2023.05.13 地点/Address:上海市安福路298弄2号楼底楼 No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai