
喜报!A Level 成绩全球第一!

Harrowshanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

Congratulations to TWO of our International Old Harrovians for obtaining the Highest A Level mark in the world! They have both been awarded 2022 Pearson Outstanding Learner awards for their outstanding results in the most recent A Level examination series, which recognize and celebrate the highest achieving learners at international levels.

恭喜哈罗上海2022届毕业生Aegean A.以及Jasmine Y.在全球A Level大考(爱德思)中拿到音乐以及中文学科“全球第一”的佳绩。她们都因在A Level考试中的出色成绩而被官方授予“2022 Pearson Outstanding Learner awards”,该奖项旨在表彰和庆祝在单科学科中拿到全球最高成绩的国际学生!

Aegean A. received the highest A level mark in the world in Music and Jasmine Y. received the highest A Level mark in the world in Chinese.

Aegean A.在全球A Level大考(爱德思)中拿到音乐学科“全球第一”,Jasmine Y.拿到中文学科“全球第一”。

Harrow is committed to providing education opportunities to talented pupils from all walks of life. Know someone with talent? APPLY NOW for Harrow Shanghai’s full suite of scholarships, including TWO 2-year, fully funded A Level Scholarships worth close to 700,000 RMB!

哈罗一直致力于为在各领域有着出色天赋和热爱的学生提供最佳的教育机会,帮助他们开启通往世界顶级名校之路。如果你也有着自己的天赋和热爱,我们欢迎你申请哈罗上海系列奖学金,其中包含价值近70万元的两年A Level 全额奖学金,还等什么,赶紧扫描下方二维码,递交你的奖学金申请吧!

Nigel Penfold



As Aegean’s A Level Music teacher, Mr. Penfold shares his thoughts about Aegean’s amazing abilities and efforts.

下面 Aegean的A Level音乐老师  Mr. Penfold将和我们分享Aegean对音乐的执着与热爱。

Swipe left to read English


Aegean在她的音乐创作中一直保持着非常高的水准和要求,并在两年的A-Level学习课程中,快速地提高了她的音乐技能和自信心。在这段学习之旅中,她创作了一段极具想象力并令人印象深刻的电影配乐,这也构成她在A Level音乐科目学习中的课程基础。Aegean在A Level的课程分析和评估中表现出了极大的决心、专注和对细节的考究,最终取得了A* 的优异成绩!

A level 音乐(爱德思)对Aegean在音乐方面成就的巨大认可使我感到非常高兴,但是我觉得如果他们看到Aegean如何全身心地投入到A-Level的课程学习中,抓住每一个机会和可能性去发展她的音乐才能,他们会对Aegean更加地印象深刻。我对Aegean能获得如此巨大的殊荣感到高兴,并完全相信Aegean的音乐事业未来可期!

During her time at Harrow Shanghai, Aegean was an outstanding music student. She dedicated herself to all areas of musical performance within the school, often inspiring younger musicians in the school with her brilliant violin playing and beautiful singing. She also made a considerable contribution to helping out with rehearsals, supporting younger students whenever she could.

Aegean consistently applied the same level of commitment and dedication to her music compositions and quickly developed her skills and confidence throughout the two-year A-Level course, a journey cullminating in an imaginative, highly effective piece of film music that formed the basis of her coursework. She was well deserving of her overall A* grade as she also applied herself to the demanding analytical and appraisal part of the course with, yet again, considerable determination, focus and attention to detail.


Pearson's recognition of Aegean's achievement is wonderful and I think they would have been even more impressed had they seen how thoroughly she threw herself into the A-Level course, took every possible opportunity given to her and worked so hard to develop all areas of her musical understanding and musicianship. I am delighted with this award and have every confidence that Aegean has a very bright future ahead of her.




As Jasmine’s A Level Chinese teacher, Ms. Huang shares her thoughts about Jasmine’s dedication and passion to this subject.

下面 Jasmine的A Level中文老师 Ms. Huang将和我们分享Jasmine在中文学习中的努力和热情。

Swipe left to read English

当我听到Jasmine在A Level大考中拿到了全球第一好成绩的时候,我为她的成就感到非常自豪。Jasmine在中文学习中表现出来极大的韧性和天赋。

尽管Jasmine是一个英语母语者,但由于她对中文的兴趣和热爱,她勇敢决然地选择了中文作为她的A Level 课程。

由于上海封控期间的特殊情况,A level(爱德思)的所有考试都改在线上进行,因此Jasmine不得不独立编写她的中文口语考试脚本,并独立完成了所有考试。她就繁体中文的重要性和保护策略撰写了一篇非常有趣的演讲稿,并自信地谈到了我们应该饮水思源,缘木思本,珍惜我们汉字,铭记中华文化的根与魂!


When I first heard that Jasmine won the "The Highest Score in the World" Award for A level Chinese, I felt extremely proud of her achievement - she has progressed so much in the short time that she was given in preparation for her exams.  


As Jasmine was someone who grew up as a native English speaker, speaking Mandarin does not come naturally to her, yet she took on the challenge of studying the A level course in Chinese with absolute determination.  


Due to the Shanghai lockdown last year, all Pearson Edexcel exams were conducted online, so Jasmine had to work independently on her final script for her oral exam. Jasmine crafted an interesting evaluative speech on the importance of maintaining traditional Chinese script, and spoke confidently about how we must value Chinese characters and remember our roots.  


She also emphasized how young Chinese youth are over-simplifying our language. I believe it is her logic and critical thinking skills, as well as her ability to deliver her speech fluently and confidently, that gained this outstanding recognition and a solid A*, which enabled her to attend her first-choice university. Congratulations, Jasmine, on your exceptional achievement in this subject! 


Congratulations again to Aegean and Jasmine for their amazing results, talents, and efforts!  

Here at Harrow, we focus on an individualised approach to teaching and learning to obtain outstanding academic results, while at the same time nurturing passions and developing life skills that gear your child for success in the future – whatever the future holds. To find out more, contact us below:



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