
Foreign Woman Imprisoned and Abused by Husband

Dr. Terrence GBA Community 2023-07-08

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A Thai couple in the Isaan region of Udon Thani urgently requested financial assistance from the Thai government in the amount of 100,000 baht in order to save their daughter from a terrible situation in China.

▲The couple is being interviewed

The couple, who have been identified as Man Duangnate, 52, and Manee Duangnate, 55, shared their heartbreaking tale with ThaiRath, revealing the nightmare situations their daughter Nongnuch Duangnate, 31, has been subjected to after fleeing an abusive marriage with a Chinese man who held her captive in Beijing for three years.

After divorcing her first husband, Nongnuch’s parents revealed that their daughter moved from the region of Udon Thani to Pattaya, where she worked in a massage parlour.


She met Wei Laing Jin, a 32-year-old Chinese male, in 2019 through a mutual connection. Wei and Nongnuch’s bond deepened quickly, and in August of that same year, they got married.

Nongnuch moved to Beijing to live with her new spouse soon after they got married.

However, a mere two months into their marital journey, Nongnuch reached out to her parents, sharing the agonising truth that she was suffering abuse at the hands of her spouse.

Determined to escape her torment, Nongnuch fled from her husband’s residence.

When she reported the incident to the police, they called her husband and asked him to reconcile with her.

She was forced to return home with husband. Afterwards, she was held captive and abused while she was forbidden to contact her parents and friends.

▲Couple writes to Thai Foreign Ministry seeking help

Nongnuch’s parents were extremely worried for their daughter’s safety and immediately informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the matter.

Officers from the ministry then paid Nongnuch a visit at her husband’s home. Her husband grudgingly agreed to the meeting, but he let Nongnuch talk to her parents.

▲Nongnuch gave a video interview

A ThaiRath reporter did a video conference conversation with Nongnuch to learn more about her ordeal. Nongnuch revealed her valiant flight during the conversation:

“The spouse gave me permission to call the parents to let them know that I am alive after the Ministry of Affairs agents visited me at home. Shortly after that, I left the house. To get to a friend’s house in Shanghai, I used an electric bicycle. I then put in five to six months of work and had between $3,000 and $4,000 in savings. I made the decision to get in touch with the Royal Thai Consulate General in Shanghai.

Nongnuch went on to say that..

“The consulate allowed me to stay with them but later sent me back to the Royal Thai Embassy in Beijing because my visa was expired, and the place is pretty close to the husband’s house. The authorities told me that I need money of 100,000 baht to travel home. If not, they would send me back to the husband. I do not have that much money. I hope the Thai authorities would help me with this. I promise that I will work hard to pay back the cost if I can go back home.”

▲Amnat Phalapleewan, director-general of the Department of Consular Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reportedly stated that the financial situation is not a barrier and that they are only awaiting the procedure from the Chinese authorities.

Nongnuch has received support, according to Amnat Phalapleewan, director-general of the Department of Consular Affairs, Protection, and Welfare of Thai Nationals overseas. Nongnuch is regarded by law as a Thai person in need overseas.

Nongnuch’s family has already received a letter from the department outlining the situation and informing them that it is in contact with Chinese authorities to secure the required travel documents.

“Until the family comes to an arrangement, the Royal Thai Embassy in Beijing and the Thai Consulate General in Shanghai have continually backed Nongnuch. She can borrow money in accordance with the rules to travel back to Thailand, and she can pay it back later, ac said by Amnat.

Source: 网易新闻 & Khaosod

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