
Taking Pets Abroad: Checklist and Process

GBA Community 2024-01-29

The following article is from GBA Expats Author BAFLA

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Days ago, a foreign couple living in Bao’an reached out to us via the wechat official account and asked us how to apply for pet export. The couple, from Germany and Hungary respectively, is planning to fly to Hungary from Hong Kong in early June. After receiving the inquiry, we quickly got to know the relevant information, and helped them go through the whole process of preparing the paperwork and on-site handling.


Now they have managed to complete all the procedures. Considering that other friends may have similar requests, we are here to offer you guidance on pet export. Forward it to your friends if needed!


Who can apply for it? | 申请条件

Visitors living in Shenzhen Customs District or visitors exit via Shenzhen Customs District who need to apply for pet export.


Advanced preparation | 提前准备

Different countries or regions have different quarantine requirements for pet import. Visitors should get to know the relevant  requirements from the official agency of the destination country in advance to avoid entry denial due to incomplete ducuments. The most common procedures for EU countries is as follow:


What documents needs? | 所需材料

《Animal Health Certificate》


The applicant can only go to the customs located in the place of residence, since different materials are required. These are the ducuments required by Tongle Customs, Bao’an District


1.ID card or passport of the Pet owner and other identification documents


2.Color photos of the front and both sides of the pet (submitted by file)


3.Airline tickets or itineraries


4.Dog certicicate(for doggy)


5.Rabies vaccine information: vaccine type (activated or inactivated), vaccination date, vaccine name and manufacturer, lot number, and expiration date.


6.Quarantine application form (completed in both English and Chinese, handwriting signature required) indicating pet weight, type of packaging (crate/cloth bag)


7.Submit your address and contact information (e.g., phone number, email address) upon arrival in the destination country in the form of a document


8.Attachment: Quarantine Application Form


▼click to download the file


AF301 Entry Permit


All dogs and cats transiting through Hong Kong must obtain an AF301 Entry Permit issued by the Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department


▼click to download the file


How to apply for it? | 办理流程

《Animal Health Certificate》


1.Send the electronic file of the required documents to E-mail of Tongle Customs: tlhgqyzx3@customs.gov.cn


2.After verification, the customs will call you to do the on-site review of original document and copies (no need to bring your pet)


3.Wait for a phone call from customs, take your pet to check its health status (a muzzle and a leash should be put on). You can get an Animal Health Certificate on site or a day later


4.Bring the Animal Health Certificate to the pet hospital for deworming, a certificate will be issued afterwards. All you need to do is bring the certificate back to the customs and get a stamp!


AF301 Entry Permit


1.Log in to the site: afcd.gov.hk and download the application form of AF301 Entry Permit

登录网站:渔农自然护理署 (afcd.gov.hk),下载AF301许可证申请表

2.Wait for a phone call from customs, take your pet to check its health status (a muzzle and a leash should be put on). You can get an Animal Health Certificate on site or a day later


Location | 办理地点

Bao’an Tongle Customs: No.140, No.2 Xin'an Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen


Working hours | 办理时间

Mon-Fri: 9:00-12:00;13:30-17:00


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Taking Pets Abroad: Checklist and Process


