
Stranger Follows Woman into Home After She Left Front Door Open

GBA Community 2023-07-08

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A woman who was followed into her home inside a gated residential community by an unknown mask-wearing man with black gloves has sent a chill through social media.
The unidentified woman from Sichuan province in southwestern China was shocked at the sight of a stranger in her living room earlier this month, Sohu News reported.
A surveillance video from the home showed a man wearing a face mask walking through the front door and putting on black gloves while looking around as he tiptoes further inside.
The woman who was using the bathroom at the time heard a sound but assumed it was her husband.
She later returned to the living room and discovered the intruder and can be heard in the video yelling “Stop!”
The intruder panicked and ran out through the front door, which the woman quickly locked behind him.
The woman’s husband, surnamed Fang, said that his wife forgot to close the front door after arriving home because she was rushing to use the bathroom.
“She came face-to-face with him,” Fang said.
She thought about following him to try and identify him but was too shaken after the initial shock.
Later when they checked the surveillance video, both Fang and his wife were unable to identify the intruder.
“We’re very confused about how he could enter our gated residential community,” Fang told Sohu News.
The story has caused alarm on mainland social media, with many people expressing shock at the man’s brazen entry into a home.
One person said: “Look, he is wearing gloves to do something criminal. It is so scary.”
“If I were her, I wouldn’t know what to do,” another person commented.
Security-related stories often attract attention on Chinese social media. At the start of this year, a 19-year-old woman in northern China was killed by a stalker just 10 meters from her door, causing widespread fear and anger.
In October last year, four men in southeastern China were arrested by police after they followed a woman on the street and assaulted her husband when he tried to drive them away.

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