
Man Beats Wife in Front of a Judge During Divorce Hearing

GBA Community 2024-01-29

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A domestic violence incident took place right in front of a judge inside the People's Court of Huai'an District in Huai'an City, east China’s Jiangsu Province.
According to multiple news reports and witnesses, Ms. Zhang and her husband, Mr. Mao, were in court for a divorce dispute hearing. 
Mao was repeatedly asked by the judge to tone down his speech as he kept swearing during the hearing. 
Nevertheless, when they reached the mediation stage, Mao grew overly aggressive due to an objection to his custody rights. 
"If you don't give me custody of the children today, I will use other means to get them," Mao said before he suddenly rushed to the wife’s side, unleashing a jump front kick toward her before physically assaulting her in front of the judge.
The judge and a clerk immediately stepped forward to subdue him, and the bailiff put him under control to prevent him from further engaging in aggressive behavior.
When the divorce dispute hearing was over, the judge educated Mao on proper behavior and the dos and don'ts to observe when one is seeking justice. 
He told him that justice is the last line of defense for maintaining fairness during trials and should not be disrupted in such manners, adding that Mao’s behavior seriously disrupted court order, and interfered with the normal conduct of the trial. 
“Everyone has the right to defend themselves in a reasonable manner during court hearings, but no one has the right to resort to physical violence, be it inside or outside of the court.” The judge concluded.
Mao admitted that his behavior was wrong and unwarranted. 
He was put under ten-day administrative detention and fined 5,000 yuan for misbehaving and resorting to physical violence during the hearing.

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Man Beats Wife in Front of a Judge During Divorce Hearing


