
海外优青 | 东北农业大学诚邀您依托申报!

为进一步完善科学基金人才资助体系,充分发挥科学基金引进和培养人才的功能,吸引海外优秀青年人才回国(来华)工作,国家自然科学基金委员会2022年继续实施国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外),现将我校有关申报事宜公告如下:The National Natural Science Foundation of Excellent Young Science Fund (Overseas), which was established by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2022, aims at further improving the talent funding system,giving full play to the function of introducing and nurturing talents and attracting outstanding young talents from overseas to (return to) work in China. The relevant application matters of NEAU are as follows:

项目介绍About the Fund
优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)旨在吸引和鼓励在自然科学、工程技术等方面已取得较好成绩的海外优秀青年学者(含非华裔外籍人才)回国(来华)工作,自主选择研究方向开展创新性研究,促进青年科学技术人才的快速成长,培养一批有望进入世界科技前沿的优秀学术骨干,为科技强国建设贡献力量。Excellent Young Science Fund (Oversea) is conducted to attract and encourage outstanding young overseas scholars (including non-Chinese expatriates) who have achieved good accomplishment in natural science and engineering technology, etc.,to return (come) and work in China. NSFC encourages the young overseas scholars to choose research directions independently and carry out innovative research, which promotes the rapid growth of young scientific and technological talents, cultivates a group of outstanding key scholars who are expected to rank the forefront of science and technology in the world, and provides powerful support for building China's strength in science and technology.


(1)遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,具有良好的科学道德,自觉践行新时代科学家精神;Complying with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, consciously practice the spirit of scientists of the new era;
(2)出生日期在1982年1月1日以后;Born after January 1,1982;
(3)具有博士学位;Having a doctorate degree;
(4)研究方向主要为自然科学、工程技术等;The research mainly focuses on natural sciences, engineering technology,etc.;
(5)在2022年4月15日前,一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教学或者科研职位,且具有连续36个月以上工作经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工作年限要求;Generally obtaining formal teaching or scientific research positions in overseas universities, scientific research institutions, or corporate R&D institutions, and having worked for more than 36 consecutive months; for those who have obtained a doctorate degree overseas with outstanding performance,the requirements for working years can be lowered appropriately;
(6)取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才的发展潜力;Having obtained scientific research or technical achievements recognized by peer experts, and having the potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents in corresponding field;
(7)申请人尚未全职回国(来华)工作,或者2021年1月1日以后回国(来华)工作。获资助通知后须辞去海外工作或在海外无工作,全职回国(来华)工作不少于3年。The applicant who has not yet returned (or come) to work in China full-time, or returned (or came) to work in China after January 1.2021. must resign from work abroad upon notification of funding or have no job overseas and guarantee no less than 3 years of full-time work in China.
优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)执行《2022年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》中优秀青年科学基金项目的限项要求,同层次国家人才计划只能承担一项,不能逆层次申请。Excellent Young Science Fund (Oversea) are subject to the limited requirements of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) project guidelines in 2022. The national talent plan of the same level can only undertake one project, and cannot apply in reverse level.


入选海外优青,除享受国家项目相应待遇外,我校提供以下待遇:In addition to the national award, NEAU provides the following benefits:
1.直评为教授或研究员;授予硕士(博士)研究生导师资格;Direct evaluation as professor or researcher; confer master's (doctor's) Postgraduate Tutor qualification;
2.提供年薪不低于40万元人民币,提供社会保险及住房公积金;Being provided an annual salary of no less than 400,000 CNY and Social Insurance and the Housing Provident Fund;
3.提供一次性生活补贴不低于30万元人民币;Being provided one-time extra allowance for living expenses of no less than300,000 CNY;
4.提供科研启动费200万元,支持组建科研团队;Being provided 2,000,000 CNY for the start-up of scientific research; Being supported of the formation of academic teams;
5.提供不少于100平方米的办公室及独立实验室;Offices and independent laboratories of no less than 100 ㎡;
6.提供校内100平米左右人才周转住房一套;Being provided a set of talents turnover housing of about 100 ㎡ in the school;
7.享受我校正式教职工的相应待遇,提供“黑龙江省高层次人才服务卡”,在落户、出入境、医疗、出行等12方面享有优待政策;Being provided full-time faculty and staff of NEAU; Being provided “Heilongjiang Province high-level Talent Service Card”, and enjoying favorable policies in 12 aspects such as accommodation, Exit-Entry, medical care, travel etc.;
8.对于特别优秀的人才,政策待遇采取一人一议。For particularly outstanding talents, policies and treatments will be varied accordingly.

申请须知Application Guide

1.符合条件的申请人,可按照项目指南要求,与东北农业大学签订工作合同或者意向性协议,于2022年2月15日以后登录信息系统(https://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/),在线填写《国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)申请书》(以下简称申请书)。申请人对所提交申请材料的真实性负责。The qualified applicants can sign a work contract or intention agreement with Northeast Agricultural University in accordance with the requirements of the project guide, log in to the information system after February 15, 2022 (https://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/), and fill in the application form for Excellent Young Science Fund Project (Overseas)of NSFC. The applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials submitted.
2.申请人应当按照申请书填报说明和撰写提纲的要求用简体中文或英文在线填写申请书,并上传附件等材料。The applicant shall fill in the application form online in simplified Chinese or English according to the requirements of filling in instructions and writing outline of the application form, and upload the attachment and other materials.
3.优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)实行无纸化申请方式,申请人在线提交电子申请书及附件、公正性承诺书等材料至东北农业大学,由我校审核后在线提交国家自然科学基金委。Excellent Youth Science Found Project (Overseas) adopts paperless application mode. The applicant submits the electronic application form, attachment, impartiality commitment and other materials to Northeast Agricultural University online, which will be submitted to the NSFC online after being reviewed by NEAU.

联系方式Contact Information

东北农业大学科技处电话:0451-55190651(马老师)手机:13703621699(微信 majinglin003)邮箱:majinglin0451@126.com
NEAU Science and Technology OfficeContact:Ma JinglinPhone:+86-13703621699 (Wechat ID: majinglin003)E-mail:majinglin0451@126.com
NEAU Human Resource OfficeContact:Guan YanlaiPhone:+86-18646640234(Wechat ID:18646640234)E-mail:254508279@qq.com

学校简介About NEAU

Northeast Agricultural University is a national "211 Project" key construction university and "world-class discipline" construction university with the advantages of agriculture, the characteristics of life science and food science, and the coordinated development of agriculture, engineering, science, economics, management and other disciplines. It is a university jointly built by Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government and the Ministry of Agriculture, and a national "Midwest University Basic Capacity Construction Project" selected universities, Ministry of Education undergraduate teaching level eval uation excellent institutions.(school website:http://www.neau.edu.cn )


