
GR Early View | 理解绵羊放牧行为

草地研究(英文) Grassland Research 2022-12-07


 为了揭示草地资源属性与家畜放牧行为之间的内在关联,Parnell et al. (2022)在澳大利亚奥兰治农业研究所开展了长达14个月的放牧试验,利用随机森林算法预测了2个放牧强度下,草地物种组成、气温、降水、水源位置等因素对绵羊放牧行为的贡献。结果发现:(1)在低放牧强度下,水源位置、遮阴点和围栏是影响绵羊放牧行为的主要驱动因子;(2)在高放牧强度下,围栏和地上可食牧草生物量是主要驱动因子;(3)两个放牧强度下,草地豆科牧草丰富度较高的区域可显著增加绵羊在此区域的活动时间。(4)在低放牧强度下,绵羊的社会行为在驱动其放牧行为中的作用大于草地物种数量和质量。



FIGURE Monthly biomass (t ha−1) predictions and normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) values in paddocks for both high (n = 3) and low (n = 3) stocking rate (SR) treatments for grass (top left), legumes (top middle), sown grasses (top right), weeds (bottom left), litter (bottom middle) and the NDVI (bottom right). high SR, solid circles with solid lines; low SR, solid triangles with dashed line; brown biomass, red-coloured icons; green biomass, green-coloured icons.

FIGURE Partial dependence plots for significant factors (p < 0.01) in annual random forest models produced for the (a)–(j) HSR and (k)–(q) LSR, for 24-h periods. Green lines in each figure represent the data, while the light orange line depicts the trendline. Values on the x-axis reflect the variables chosen in the model, while the y-axis represents the predicted livestock residency for the treatment. HSR, high stocking rate; LRI, livestock residency index; LSR, low stocking rate; NDVI, normalised difference vegetation index; WS, water and shade.

FIGURE Partial dependence plots for significant factors (p < 0.01) in annual random forest models produced for the (a) – (j) HSR, panels and (k) – (q) LSR, for grazing hours only. Green lines in each figure represent the data, while the light orange line depicts the trendline. Values on the x-axis reflect the variables chosen in the model, while the y-axis represents the predicted livestock residency for the treatment. HSR, high stocking rate; LRI, livestock residency index; LSR, low stocking rate; WS, water and shade.

文 章 信 息


杜鹉辰,兰州大学草地农业科技学院  讲师




内容来源:Grassland Research(草地研究)Early View(投稿:2022-08-24;接收:2022-09-09;刊发:2022-10-06)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/glr2.12026

引用格式:Parnell, D., Kardailsky, I.,Parnell, J., Badgery, W.B., & Ingram, L. (2022).Understanding sheep baa-haviour: Investigating the relationship between pasture and animal grazing patterns. Grassland Research, 1-14.



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