

拾萬空间 拾萬 Hunsand Space


Hunsand Space (Beijing) already has presented a solo exhibition by Ding Shiwei titled Specter's Ventriloquism from July 13, 2024.







展览作品|Works View

审判 I The Trial
影像装置|Video Installation
三维动画/3.5寸双显屏/显示器驱动模块/微型计算机/铝型材/PU气管/PY快插接头/铁链/精雕亚克力/电源/尺寸可变|3D Animation/3.5-inch Dual Display Screens/Display Driver Module/Mini Computer/Aluminum Profile/PU Tubing/PY Quick Connectors/Chain/Precision Engraved Acrylic/Power Supply/Dimensions Variable
版数Edition: 3+2AP

在《审判》中,作品以OpenAI创始人Sam Altman为原型的眼睛作为装置中影像的主体,在末日火光的映照下偶尔流下眼泪。装置呈十字架形态,悬挂在两根承重柱之间,用锁链固定,借用了耶稣受难的形象,揭示了现代社会中技术领导者面临的道德和伦理审判,为观众思考技术发展的双重性和潜在威胁提供了宗教式的想象。

 In The Trial, the work features an image of OpenAI founder Sam Altman's eye as the main subject. Under the apocalyptic glow of flames, the eye occasionally sheds a tear. The installation takes the shape of a cross, suspended between two supporting columns and fixed with chains, echoing the crucifixion of Jesus. This piece highlights the moral and ethical scrutiny faced by tech leaders in modern society, offering viewers a religious metaphor to contemplate the dual nature and potential dangers of technological advancement.


审判 I The Trial(局部|detail)

宣言隐写 I Manifesto Steganography

影像装置|Video Installation

三维动画/5寸圆屏组/显示器驱动模块/微型计算机/铝制通风管/定制铝配件/电源/尺寸可变|3D Animation/5-inch Circular Screens/Display Driver Module/Mini Computer/Aluminum Ventilation Pipe/Custom Aluminum Parts/Power Supply/Dimensions Variable

版数Edition: 3+2AP


作品挪用了1754年本杰明·富兰克林发表的经典政治漫画“Join, or Die”。原漫画中,蛇身被切成八段,每段代表一个殖民地,象征着殖民地须团结一致,不合则亡。在《宣言隐写》中,丁世伟将蛇身的概念转化为烟管道,并使用十六组5寸圆形屏幕,在八段烟管道的两端展示高仿真的3D动画。动画呈现了微观视角下被各种技术政治式的词组逐渐顶起的人类皮肤,词组包括“占据-分泌”、“点击-腹语”等。作品试图塑造技术在现代社会中的新殖民角色,挖掘“技术-政治”在现代社会中具有隐蔽性的权力结构。
Manifesto Steganography appropriates Benjamin Franklin's 1754 classic political cartoon "Join, or Die." The original cartoon depicted a snake cut into eight segments, each representing a colony, symbolizing the need for unity among the colonies to avoid destruction. In this work, Ding Shiweitransforms the concept of the snake into smoke ducts and uses sixteen 5-inch circular screens to display hyper-realistic 3D animations on both ends of the eight ducts. The animations show human skin being raised by various techno-political phrases such as "Occupy-Secrete" and "Click-Ventriloquism" from a microscopic perspective. The piece aims to construct a new colonial role for technology in modernsociety, exploring the hidden power structures of "techno-politics" in contemporary society.

宣言隐写 I Manifesto Steganography(局部|detail)

旗的腹语 I The Ventriloquism of the Flag
热传感布料/发热片/定制程序/继电器/铝管/铝型材/铝板/电源/尺寸可变|Thermal Sensing /Fabric/Heating Element/Custom Program/Relay/Aluminum Tube/Aluminum/Profile/Aluminum Plate/Power Supply/Dimensions Variable
版数Edition: 3+2AP
在《旗的腹语》中,艺术家使用热传感面料制作了一面躺倒在展厅地板的黑色旗帜,结合地板下的热源装置,缓慢显现荧光绿色的、由富兰克林发表的经典政治漫画中的经典文字口号“Join, or Die”。丁世伟发掘此口号中的现代技术背景下的当代语意,把坍塌的旗帜作为腹语传递的主体,伪造了一个混乱的革命遗留现场。
In The Ventriloquism of the Flag, the artist uses thermosensitive fabric to create a black flag lying on the gallery floor. Combined with a heat source device under the floor, the flag slowly reveals the fluorescent green text of the classic slogan "Join, or Die" from Benjamin Franklin's 1754 political cartoon. Ding Shiwei explores the contemporary implications of this slogan in the context of modern technology, using the collapsed flag as the medium for ventriloquism, creating a chaotic scene of revolutionary remnants.

旗的腹语 I The Ventriloquism of the Flag(局部|detail)

幽灵回响 I Echoes of Specters
互动影像装置|Interactive Video Installation
生成式AI视频/7.8寸LCD组/显示器驱动模块/树莓派/单片机/超声波传感器/烤漆不锈钢/电源/130×130×170cm|AI-generated Videos/7.8 inches LCD Screens/Display Driver Module/Raspberry Pis/Microcontroller/Ultrasonic Sensor/Painted Stainless Steel/Power Supply/130×130×170cm
版数Edition: 3+2AP


In Echoes of Specters, Ding Shiwei creates a circular interactive video installation featuring 30 AI-generated simulated arm images produced by ChatGPT-4. When viewers approach the screens, ultrasonic sensors trigger the static arm images to transform into generative AI animations, making the arms flutter like fabric or flags. The installation creates a ghostly plaza where the specters refer not only to the complex AI systems but also to the users hidden behind ideological images.

幽灵回响 I Echoes of Specters(局部|detail)

碑的解剖 I Anatomy of the Monument
录像/19寸LCD /显示器驱动模块/偏振膜/铝型材/烤漆铝板/铝板/仿真植物/仿真手臂/布料/电源线/电源/尺寸可变|Video/19-inch LCD Screen/Display Driver Module/Polarizing Film/Aluminum Profile/Painted Aluminum Plate/Aluminum Plate/Artificial Plants/Artificial Arms/Fabric/Power Cable/Power Supply/Dimensions Variable
版数Edition: 3+2 AP
在《碑的解剖》中,银色铝型材组作为纪念碑,一组矗立于展厅中央,另一组躺倒于地板之上。一块屏幕嵌入其中,展示了《The Visible Human》中的人体切片影像,观众只能通过光标箭头中的偏振膜才可窥见影像的局部。一只断掉的手臂紧握地面上荧光绿色的电线,其末端的光标箭头既是观看影像的网络符号,也是一把锋利匕首。几株散落的植物从型材的缝隙中“生长”出来,但这些生命力也都是仿真和伪造的。 
In Anatomy of the Monument, a silver aluminum profile serves as a monument, with one part standing in the center of the gallery and the other lying on the floor. A screen embedded in the structure displays images from "The Visible Human" project, which viewers can only partially see through a polarized film in a cursor arrow. A severed arm grasps a fluorescent green cable on the ground, with the cursor arrow at its end symbolizing both an internet icon and a sharp dagger. Artificial plants appear to grow from the cracks in the aluminum, symbolizing false and fabricated hope.

碑的解剖 I Anatomy of the Monument(局部|detail)



丁世伟(b.1989)硕士毕业于中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院,现工作生活于杭州。他的作品在基于屏幕经验下的影像装置、雕塑、图像、视频、互动装置等多种媒介形式中展开。他广泛地对意识形态话语、流行图像与哲学符号进行援引和挪用,通过媒体界面开启观者的感知通道,过滤并干预个体降维的用户经验,进而昭示了屏幕景观作为当代政治与信仰的反乌托邦式的自我实现预言。屏显作为处于物质世界与数字拟像的中介,不断在参与观者身体的重塑与规训。他的作品一方面将观众已悄然异化的介面身体与观凝感官重新穿刺,另一方面以可爱化(kawaiification) 作为模糊对立与矛盾的定言令式,在痛感与诙谐的矛盾知觉中不断缝合现实与虚拟的边界。

近期个展包括:幽灵腹语,拾萬空间,北京,2024;窗,1000 Press,杭州,2023;信仰得来速,Gallery Vacancy,上海,2021;随机预言,想象力学实验室,杭州,2020。近期部分群展机构包括:天目里美术馆,杭州,2023;X美术馆,北京,2023;剩余空间,武汉,2022;山中天艺术中心,北京,2021;K11基金会,上海,2020;银川当代美术馆,银川,2019;中国美术学院,杭州,2018;昂西城堡博物馆,昂西,2017;

Castello Di Rivara当代美术馆,都灵,2016; 中央美术学院美术馆,北京,2015。他曾于2015获得法国克莱蒙费朗Prix Videoformes特别奖,并在2014年获美国华盛顿华语电影节


Ding Shiwei (b.1989) holds an MFA degree from the School of Intermedia Art at the China Academy of Art and now lives and works in Hangzhou, China.His works unfold in various mediums such as video installations, sculptures, images, videos, and interactive installations based on the experience of the screen. He invokes and appropriates a wide range of ideological discourses, popular images, and philosophical symbols, opening up the viewer's perceptual channels through the media interface, filtering and intervening with the individual's degraded user experience, thus revealing the screen landscape as an anti-utopian self-fulfilling prophecy of contemporary politics and beliefs. As a mediator between the material world and the digital simulacrum, the screen is constantly involved in reshaping and disciplining the viewer's body. On the one hand, his works re-pierce the viewer's silently alienated interface body and the observation senses, and on the other hand, ultimately adopting "kawaiification" as the categorical imperative to obscure the fanged structure, they constantly stitch together the real and virtual branching in a paradoxical perception of wit and pain.

His recent solo exhibitions include Specter's Ventriloquism,Hansard Space,Beijing,2024;The Window, 1000 Press, Hangzhou, 2023; Faith on Tap, Gallery Vacancy, Shanghai, 2021; Enter The Void, Imagokinetics Lab, Hangzhou, 2020. Selected group exhibitions recently include By Art Matters, Hangzhou, 2023; X Museum, Beijing, 2023; Surplus Space, Wuhan, 2022; Wind H Art Center, Beijing, 2021; K11 Art Foundation, Shanghai, 2020; MOCA Yinchuan, Yinchuan, 2019; China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, 2018; Musée-Château, Annecy, 2017; Castello Di Rivara Center for Contemporary Art, Turin, 2016; CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, 2015. Ding was the recipient of a special award for the Prix Videoformes in Clermont-Ferrand, France, in 2015 and a silver medalist of the Chinese Film Festival in Washington D.C., US, in 2014. His animated short films had screenings at various international film festivals, including Festival International du Film d’Animation d’Annecy, Holland International Animation Film Festival, International Film Festival Rotterdam, and Tampere Film Festival. His work is featured in the collections of Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen, DK; CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, CN; Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing, CN; By Art Matters, Hangzhou, CN; etc.


蛙鸣 2024|李明、刘国强、丁世伟



丁世伟 | 屏幕器官学的意象

丁世伟 | ARTFORUM展评

拾萬 | 北京‍‍‍‍‍


2024年7月13日 - 2024年8月31日


蛙鸣 2024|李明、刘国强、丁世伟



丁世伟 | 屏幕器官学的意象

丁世伟 | ARTFORUM展评



拾萬空间 | 六年书发布


Hunsand Space was established in 2014 in the Caochangdi Art Zone of Beijing. In 2018, it relocated to the 798 Art District in Beijing. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Space opened a branch, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art, in Shijiazhuang, and by the end of 2023, it had moved to Beizhangcheng Village in Jingxing, Shijiazhuang. In early 2023, a new branch was established in Fujiwan, Zhuantang, Xihu, Hangzhou. The Beijing headquarters of Hunsand Space is located within a sunken two-story building in the Bauhaus architectural complex within the 798 Art District. The Shijiazhuang branch delves deep into an old church within a historic village in the Taihang Mountains, while the Hangzhou space has been transformed from a farmhouse near the Longwu Tea Plantation. Hunsand Space remains vigilant against the standardization of exhibitions and aims to respond to our shared existential experiences, sparking the often overlooked aspects of contemporary culture through ongoing exhibitions and projects.

北京画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:30

石家庄画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周一-周日 MON-SUN 10:00-19:00

杭州画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:00(冬季)11:00-19:00(春夏秋)


微信 | WeChat: hunsandspace
微博|Weibo: 拾萬空间
Instagram: hunsand_space

T:010-57623059 (北京)
T:0311-66600320 (石家庄)
W: www.hunsand.com

拾萬 Hunsand Space

