此前,Blank Space公布了第七届2020年度“建筑童话”竞赛的获胜者。获奖作品来自65个国家/地区,获奖作品通过精湛的短篇小说和艺术作品探索当下时事和创作过程。
获奖者是由20多位顶尖建筑师,设计师和讲故事的评审团选出的,其中包括Alison Brooks,Marc Tsurumaki,Dwayne Oyler,Jenny Wu,Gail Carson Levine和Arthur Mamou-Mani等许多杰出的评委。
自2013年成立以来,一年一度的“FAIRY TALES”吸引了成千上万的参与者,这是一个要求参赛者 通过描绘童话故事的短篇小说方式,对当下科技、人文、自然、社会等问题进行探索并创作的设计竞赛。而且获奖者可以继续将其故事发展成成功的Kickstarter广告系列、短片、漫画书和展览。
获奖者:© Tamás Fischer , Carlotta Cominetti of Virginlemon
Then on March 20th, a bolt from the blue. Wind and fresh air. As soon as the temperature had returned to the seasonal average, suddenly the buzz stopped. I thought about the cicadas again. It was Spring. It caught us unprepared. The immediate damage was considerable, flooding, loss of electricity, structural failures.
They called it “the year without a winter”.
——节选自 Tamás Fischer ,
Carlotta Cominetti of Virginlemon
获奖者:© Aleksandr Čebotariov , Laura Kuršvietytė
我们的童话故事是一种天真的尝试,试图解决我们正在经历的各种危机的问题——不仅是生态危机,还包括社会危机和生存危机。生活在资本主义下,我们往往会迷失在工作中,自然环境与经济之间的联系, 我们忘记了我们对自然生物的感知能力和其他许多东西。
我们的灵感主要来自第16届威尼斯建筑双年展中Nomeda和Gediminas Urbonai的参展作品——立陶宛凉亭的沼泽学校。后来我们生活在布鲁塞尔的城市环境,也同样激发了我们的想法。
“More and more people claim to be indifferent to society, to their country‘s well-being or economic state. The recent study revealed that people have lost their belief in capitalistic system. It has proven to be unhumane, destructive and possesive. It has taken all of the planet‘s resources and, knowing the capitalistic values, it can be stated that it is not capable of giving them back. “The world is in stagnation,” the study states, “but there might be a hope for change. The chance of the new possible system is not excluded.” ”
——节选自 Aleksandr Čebotariov ,
Laura Kuršvietytė
获奖者:© Albert Orozco , Edward Rivero
“No Juanito. Women are always villainized in these myths created by men. Let me tell you a different story of La Llorona. Remember the maquiladoras, the factories in Juárez, where your mom used to work before we journeyed to the United States? Well, your mother and other maquiladora workers are gathering to come up with a plan to rescue you and all their children. They call themselves “Lloronas of Juárez.” They are a collective of mothers who have been separated from their children by the border patrol. When their bosses go home, they gather in these factories to work on projects that call for the abolition of detention centers and that reimagine the infrastructure along the border.”
——节选自 Albert Orozco ,
Edward Rivero
USO-03 Unit A_Upstream Strategic Outposts
获奖者:© Anton Markus Pasing of Remote Controlled Studio
“It´s always a pain to leave the house and all pigs are black in the dark and full of stars.“
For a few bottles of akevit we sometimes had to close our tight but weatherproof observation station and left to meet with Nuka, a slightly feeble-minded but cunning smuggler. His face was crossed by a large crow-shaped scar and his breath smelled of garlic and fish. He believed in subterranean gods and his footsteps seemed like the pounding of a machine.
——节选自 Anton Markus Pasing of
Remote Controlled Studio
Rothiemurchus 2098
获奖者:© Marie Walker-Smith
终于,在经历了一段岁月之后,他到达了顶峰。一块岩石基座覆盖了装有Rothiemurchus AI系统的原始计算机的剩余部分。感觉到他的到来,一个驱动器在基座上打开。他喘着粗气,从口袋里取出小装置放下,然后沉到膝盖上。该设备包含删除所有限制到其当前边界的协议所需的代码。有了它,森林AI现在可以在其外围启动重新野外协议。
Finally, after what felt like an age, he reached the top. A rocky plinth covered what was left of the original computer holding the Rothiemurchus AI system. Sensing his arrival, a drive opened in the plinth. Breathing hard, he extracted the small device from his pocket and dropped it in, before sinking to his knees. The device contained the code necessary to take down all protocols that restricted the forest to its current boundaries; with it, the forest AI could now initiate the re-wilding protocol beyond its perimeter.
I’ve done it, he thought, as he sat down heavily, leaning against the plinth, and he listened as whirring and murmurs echoed around him, closing his heavy eyes, It’s free.
——节选自 Marie Walker-Smith
Mickey's Mechanical House
获奖者:© Ioanna Sotiriou & Maria Tsilogianni of Studio Miwi
到目前为止,我已经建造了一些东西,比如带腿的桌子,照明设备,种植中心,甚至还有这个用来锻炼的东西。他们都在我的住处,我超级痴迷于他们的潜力。哦,这个挤压的纽扣…。绝对会有人喜欢这种按下的感觉。我为老式笔记本电脑做了类似键盘的东西。我需要用它来编写脚本,而不需要房子的Wall Panorama®系统的干预-在正确安装中央系统方面面临一些困难。我发现解决方案是建造我自己的PC,控制我系统的内部组件和大脑-用废金属合成这些芯片非常困难,但却成功了,我非常自豪!归根结底,初中时代的物理建模技能已经被证明是有用的。
So far I’ve built stuff like tables with legs, lighting machines, planting hubs, even this thing for exercising my booties. They are all over my place, becoming super obsessed with their potentials. And ohhh, this extruded buttons…absolutely loving the feeling of pressing those. I made something like a keyboard for an old-school laptop. I needed that one for scripting without interventions from the house’s Wall Panorama® system –was facing some difficulties with properly bugging the central system. Found the solution to be building my own pc, controlling the inner components and brain of my system –super tough synthesizing those chips from scrap metals but proudly succeeded! Physical modeling skills back from Junior High days have proven useful after all.
——节选自 Ioanna Sotiriou,
Maria Tsilogianni of Studio Miwi
获奖者:© Therese Leick , Wilhelm Scheruebl of Tab Collective
A step forward for some people, but not for the entire population who has to fight for their lives every day. Our long-term vision is to raise enough clean air and strong trees in these pots, to then plant them outdoors and hopefully later be able to reforest entire landscapes. we use the remaining seeds from plants that are stored and reproduced in seed banks. That was the easiest part of the process. After that we had to deal with the difficulty of creating an environment in which the trees can grow and develop. They must be able to get used to the apocalyptic environment such as heat, polluted air and dry soil before they can be released into the “wilderness”.
——节选自Therese Leick ,
Wilhelm Scheruebl of Tab Collective
Post-Reality Framework
获奖者:© Stefano Stecchelli, Carlo Occhipinti, Ilaria Caraffi, Francesco Bacci, and Carlo Canepa of To Nowhere Studio
The aesthetic of the cities is now only conceived as the result of performative issues, to the point that all the architects’ work only respond to an univocal hypertechnological-green style. Green is everywhere. But the city is not recognised: everything is contemporary, temporary and identical.
——节选自 Stefano Stecchelli,
Carlo Occhipinti, Ilaria Caraffi, Francesco Bacci,
and Carlo Canepa of To Nowhere Studio
7121 Lonzo
获奖者:© Eric and Eva de Broche des Combes
He has clearly worsened since our first rendez-vous, and if it were not for this cryptic communication and clear lack of interest in technology, I would almost be tempted to pin the entire episode on the tumultuous cyclonic frenzy an average human has to endure when they enter the world of social media and the liberating world of internet. We have had quite a number of cases since the onset of 2010, all related to modern tech, smart phones mostly, computers, but there is the common thread in all of them.
——节选自 Eric and Eva de Broche des Combes
Ghostly Presence
获奖者:© Jiawei Liang and Wei Wu
During the previous decades, Gomorrah became known as a destination for electronic scrap from newly industrialized countries. Billions of tons of e-waste were illegally exported to this border town. After processing, the electronic materials would circulate into the global industry chain. A fascinating illusion of modern society is that garbage is invisible in daily life. The Gomorrah becomes the ghostly presence, the most rigorous and conservative secret of our time.
——节选自 Jiawei Liang and Wei Wu
Active Ornament
获奖者:© Lindsay Harkema
Active Ornaments were introduced by the Planning Office for Energy Democracy in the 2020s as mandatory retrofits to parent buildings of Privately Owned Public Spaces. It was required that an exterior armature be applied to a minimum building surface area of the volume which had been granted in exchange for the POPS. This armature would collect and generate energy provided directly to the public in the form of accessible heating, cooling, electrical, water, and green resources. As literal agents of empowerment, AOs not only provided energy refuges to the public, but they became mediums of a performative and aesthetic transformation of the city, a shift from building consumption to resource generation. Formerly static, closed buildings became adaptive living machines supportive of both private and public interests.
——节选自 Lindsay Harkema
获奖者:© Suada Dema
We are part of the earth now. My family is not with me. It‘s like in one of my lucid dreams. I am here with people I don’t recognize, but they don’t even seem to notice my presence. I decided not to talk. Our dwelling is well below the surface. This whole city was created yesterday, shortly after the call, probably within a few minutes, I cannot exactly remember. Our overpopulated houses resemble carelessly shaped subterranean caves and there is not a single trace of sunlight. People seem to have come prepared though. They place their stuff wherever they can and they try to expand their caves more using all kinds of heavy tools. Sometimes big concrete bricks fall out of nowhere in the middle of the cave and that is considered a warning to not continue any further. The caves have narrow passages between them and people started referring to them as “the streets”. Our new city has no significant entrance or exit. In particular locations, they created amorphic openings from which patches of skylight become visible from the depth.
——节选自 Suada Dema
“ H.A.N.D, I DO ”
获奖者:© Diego Grisaleña Albéniz and James Mitchell
– Were you pleased with the outcome of your latest elections?
– Does your government “really” represent you?
– Have you ever dreamt of a brighter future out of the Union?
– Dismayed when your favourite reality star or comedian became president elect?
– Votal fear mongering effecting you?
– Feel the votal system is stuck in the past?
– Have you been left to seek refuge on other borders?
In response to the above, we can whole heartedly sympathise that outcomes can leave you feeling chronically frustrated. However, we have now revolutionised the votal system, read below to hear our manifesto.
——节选自 Diego Grisaleña Albéniz,
James Mitchell
Back to Eden
获奖者:© Amit Avni
Very few people walk around without glasses in fear of the ‘Blind Spot Syndrome’. The human brain, constantly flooded with graphic information piled upon the physical world, reacts anxiously without them. A couple of hours without the AR glasses, and the human body is engulfed with severe symptoms of withdrawal that drive many to depression, paranoia and insanity. Those who walk around without glasses live on the fringes of society, unable to integrate socially or financially. They are called the ‘Invisible People’, both because they live with no connection to cultural urban life, and because they are hardly visible through the glasses.
——节选自 Amit Avni
获奖作品的完整赏析可前往 Blank Space官网以及参考以下主链接:https://blankspaceproject.com/fairy-tales-2019-winners-3/
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