
Quick check-in, priority boarding for unaccompanied minors

Miao Zhenyang City News Service 2023-12-20

Airlines in China offers special service for solo travelers between the ages of 5 and 12.

The General Administration of Civil Aviation has launched such service for unaccompanied children who are escorted through check-in, security, boarding and arrival.

Shanghai Airport Ground Service Company has set up a special counter for check-in, increased security check channel for faster passage, and provided priority boarding, a priority seat after flight delays and other services for little passengers.

Here's what parents need to know about the service:

1. It can be reserved in advance through the airline's official website, app and physical store, or by calling the airline's customer service number.

2. On the day of departure, the designated drop-off person should arrive at the airport two hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight. Original ID card or household register and relevant application materials are required to complete check-in procedures at the designated check-in counter.

3. The designated drop-off person must complete a Service Form with the names, phone numbers, addresses and other information of the drop-off person and the one who is supposed to pick up the child on arrival.

4. The designated drop-off person cannot leave the airport until half an hour after the flight has taken off. The unaccompanied minor will be placed in the care of the approved drop-off person in the event of a flight delay or cancellation.

In the company of service personnel, the unaccompanied minor will be eligible for fast-pass service through priority lines.

Before boarding, the service staffer will accompany the child to the boarding gate, hand over the child to the airline staff, and verify the child's identity, documents, boarding pass, carry-on baggage and other information.

On board, the cabin crew will lead the child to the right seat and look after him/her.

The ground service personnel will meet the unaccompanied child upon arrival and lead him/her to the baggage claim area. The child will then be handed over to the appointed pick-up person based on the service details.


1. Child ticket should be purchased with legitimate ID card, household register (under 16 years old), passport or other original document. The pick-up or drop-off person, who should be over 18 years old, must present appropriate identification at the airport.

2. After the unaccompanied minor is done with check-in, the drop-off person should stay at the airport until the flight takes off.

3. The airline service staff will verify the pick-up person's identification based on the Service Form after arrival. After completing the handover, the pick-up person should sign a form.

4. Make sure to finish the whole process before the deadline. Usually, for domestic flights, you should complete the procedures at least 48 hours before departure time, while international flights may require 96 hours. Timeframes may vary subject to different conditions of airlines, so it's best to check the official website of each airline for specific details.


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Editor: Liu Xiaolin
Designer: Shi Jingyun Writer: Miao ZhenyangPhoto: China Eastern Airline, Shanghai Transportation Commission
Source: City News Service


