







Ambassador Burns on 'The Foreign Affairs Interview' Podcast

Recently, Ambassador Burns sat down with the team at 'The Foreign Affairs Interview' Podcast for an in-depth conversation, sharing what it is like to represent the United States in Beijing today and his perspectives on U.S.-China relations. The 45-minutes podcast was published on October 26, 2022. Here are some quotes from the Ambassador:

“We're trying to show respect, civility, interest in the Chinese people, in their culture and their history. And at the same time, we're being very straightforward and honest in criticisms of the government here…”

“...the trilogy that President Biden, Secretary Blinken have talked about in our China policy is invest, align, and compete. We have to reinvest in the foundation of our economy…And then you have the ‘align’...—strengthening our alliances—and then you have ‘compete…And that means that in a very specific way, we're competing with China to create a level playing field on trade and economics for our businesses and for our workers. We are competing, certainly, on technology. We're a democracy, we believe in human freedom—and we're happy to have that conversation globally, because we think it's a strong suit, and a comparative advantage of the United States. So this trilogy is all encompassing, and I think it informs a competition that's going to be with us for some time.’” 

“ …So we've got to find a way to manage that competition—as the President has been saying, President Biden, as Secretary Tony Blinken has been saying, just in the last week or so in his public appearances—so that we avoid conflict, and we learn to manage this relationship in a productive way.”

You can listen to the podcast on Foreign Affairs website:

You can also read full transcript of the podcast on the U.S. Embassy Beijing website:

