
单词回顾 | 他们都是如何用“vary”造句的?

2017-05-11 Justin 孟庆伟英文写作



1. 最早提交的。

2. 有代表性的句子,要么句子一看就花了心思,写得具体、场景感强,要么体现了英语学习习惯和方法中的共性问题。

3. 有赞赏和留言记录的用户的句子。没错,我希望能够有机会回报一些“真爱粉”。

我想起了我的偶像、已故美国脱口秀大师 Geroge Carlin 在1997年接受 Jon Stewart(囧司徒)的采访时提到他的两类观众:

The audiences are great. And they buy the tickets ahead of time. They really wait for you to come there and see you. In the theaters and concert halls, it's special because the audience they do it beforehand and you are the whole evening. In Las Vegas, you are an afterthought, you are an also. 'Well we could go gambling, we could go hookering, we could go get drunk, we could go to the convention.' 'No let's go see this guy.' And if they like you they do, but they are not committed fans. So it's a different tone there. 

我希望能够回馈这些“committed fans/readers”.


1. People's opinions vary from individual to individual.

点评:这个句子写得很不错,不过可以简洁一点。因为观点肯定是人的,而且这里不强调是谁的观点,所以不需要说“people's opinions”. 我会这么写:

Opinions vary from person to person. 

这个句子用一个流行但我个人看来很丑陋的词来说就是“金句”。有的读者可能注意到了,它可以替代一个已经用烂的句子:Different people have different opinions. 

2. Estimates vary as to whether and how much government should spend money on art.


Opinions vary as to whether and how much money government should spend on art.

3. Ideas vary on the topic whether Gao Kao should be cancled or not.

点评:这个句子也不错,照顾到了流行的舆论争议,不过有两处拼写错误,“the topic”可以删掉。改后:

Ideas vary on whether Gaokao should be canceled or not.

4. After years of artificial breeding, the size of pet dogs vary.


After years of artificial breeding, the size of pet dogs varies/pet dogs sizes vary.

5. Although opinions vary, all these people will go all out for this cause.

点评:这个句子写得很好。可能作者在写的时候头脑中有一个或多个具体的场景,造句练习时最好可以描述出具体的场景,比如什么样的 cause. 

6. The ways of studying English vary from person to person.


7. When it comes to which is the best way of learning English, experts' opinions vary.

点评:有点像上一句的 paraphrase. 这两句可以一起学。

8. Taste in music varies from person to person, and I usually prefer Mozart.

点评:这个句子非常具体,作者写出了自己的喜好。Good job! 值得其他读者学习。

9. The materials for a car vary as they play different roles.

点评:这个句子的启示是在造句时如果不确定搭配可以去查字典读例句,或者查《牛津英语搭配词典》(免费网页版:http://www.freecollocation.com/)。如果查了字典,就会知道“vary”后面往往和 according to/among/between/by/depending on/with/from...to... 等搭配使用。这时候如果能趁热打铁再造几个句子,那么“vary”这个词就掌握的差不多了。学习的成就感也会激增。我会这么改写这个句子:

The material of cars varies according to their function. 

Materials of cars vary by function. 

10. School uniforms in China seem to vary from school to school.


11. Postnatal experience helps build character. Twins growing up separately often vary in many perspectives.

点评:这句话明显可以感觉到作者写的是自己熟悉或关心的场景。Way to go! 用词也很棒,唯一需要修改的是用“respects”取代“perspectives”.

12. When it comes to empirical researches, results may vary significantly because of sight differences in variables.


13. People’s thought pattern vary by different background. In other words, people come from different families, born in different years, had different educations see things differently.


People’s thought patterns vary by upbringing background. They come from different families at different times and go through different/varying levels of education, so they may see things differently. 


1. 语言层面的问题大多可以通过单个句子反映出来,因此练习写句子,练习造句是提高写作的一种低成本且有效的方法。

2. 根据“只读正确的,只写读过的”原则,写句子要避免随意性和想当然。虽然我每天会提供两个例句,但如果感觉需要更好地体会某个词的用法,或者掌握这个词其他的意思和用法,那么建议查字典,读例句,模仿造句。初级的学习者要严格模仿例句,切勿创造。模仿的多了才能开始创造。

3. 为了充分掌握一个词,可能需要造多个句子。虽然想一个好的句子需要一些时间,但这可能是在英语学习上花的最值的时间了。不要吝啬。

4. 如果是在校生,自己造完句子可以让老师修改。如果没有反馈机制,可以从我写的句子评析里学习。因为我选择句子最重要的标准是有代表性,仔细阅读评析可以一定程度上实现自纠。


Enjoy the ride! 






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