Every time I move, I get a bit sentimental. So does my wife. To us, a place means more than physical existence. It has shared memories etched on it. Two years is a sizable chunk in relation to a lifetime. We loved the old neighborhood. We loved the familiar faces: the soft-spoken 60-year-old gatekeeper from Henan, the precocious teenager barista, the ponytailed Beijing daye who always sports his gourd and birdcage, the old-fashioned hawker who defies the digital way of life. And many many more unfamiliar but lovely faces. And the best dumpling diner in town, the cafe (April Cafe) that converts to a bar when the night falls, the chitchats that mark the simple and boisterous hutong life.
After we moved, we went back once more. We took another good, hard look at our old neighborhood. It was a beautiful afternoon, not a bad moment for us to bid it farewell.
孟庆伟 Justin
个人微信 ID:justinqmeng
雅思写作 8 分,口语 8 分
Banner: No. 5, Yongkang Hutong.
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