
亚洲视频 I 李真2012年青烟系列作品《风狂》



 * 意态青烟 - 李真新作 Ⅰ

 * 意态青烟 - 李真新作 Ⅱ

 * 意态青烟 - 李真新作 III

 * 青烟 - 李真新作展

 * 夏可君 “李真艺术的新阶段:青烟的意态幻化”

 * 展讯 | 青烟 - 李真新作展

 * 现场 | 青烟 - 李真新作展

 * 意态青烟 - 艺术中的浑然天成

 * 青烟 - 李真新作展入围雅昌月度画廊影响力榜单


关于艺术家 About Artist

李真早期涉猎佛学道家等,在自由创作的精神中融入自我摄心之情感,吸收东方传统与西方雕塑及原始非洲大洋洲等艺术养分,更结合当代思维,作品不受单一传统束缚,呈现既重又轻、浑然天成的效果。李真透过艺术进行个人的“精神疗伤”,在俗世中寻找乐土,在作品中创造灵性空间,用幽默诙谐的方式暗喻世事,希望欣赏者能察觉其中的精神元素。 1999年于台北举办首次个展,也是首位在威尼斯双年展举办个展的华人艺术家。其作品相继于中国美术馆(北京)、震旦博物馆(上海)、苏州博物馆(苏州)、新加坡美术馆(新加坡)、中正纪念堂广场(台北)、弗莱伊美术馆(西雅图)、旺多姆广场(巴黎)、台北当代艺术馆(台北)进行展出。

Li Chen was born in 1963, and currently works in Taichung and Shanghai. Li Chen has gained international attention for his sculptures represented both oriental tradition and western aesthetics.
Li Chen accomplished a style which has fully liberated himself from the confines of tradition by incorporating feelings of self-mindfulness and interpretations of Chinese classics from the Buddhist and Taoist traditions. Though blending with contemporary thought, Li Chen evinced a remarkably refreshing and natural effect of appearing both heavy and light. The underlying aesthetic principles in Li's sculpture are based not only on a "dual composition" of Eastern traditions and Western sculptural language but also on an ongoing dialogue with the spiritual and material cultures of Africa and Oceania. Furthermore, Li Chen's art work aspires to a spiritual arts therapy, uncovering a wealth of joy amidst the simple life's pleasure, innovating a spiritual space through the pieces, as humor embellishes a metaphorical engagement with the world.
 Since his works first appeared to the public in 1999 in Taipei, Li Chen has been an active figure both domestic and abroad. Li participated in the 52nd Venice Biennale, being regarded as the first individual artist of Chinese descent to be invited to arrange a solo exhibition in the event. Li Chen has presented solo exhibitions at National Art Museum of China (Beijing), Aurora Museum (Shanghai), Suzhou Museum (Suzhou), Singapore Art Museum (Singapore), Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (Taipei), Frye Art Museum (Seattle), Place Vendôme (Paris), Taipei MoCA (Taipei).


 正在展出  Current Exhibitions

亚洲艺术中心(北京) 《青烟 - 李真新作展

亚洲艺术中心(台北二馆)《如山之想六十年 - 庄喆个展》


 即将展出 Upcoming Exhibitions



 最新消息  Lastest News


