SA x IAAC全球暑校项目 | PART4 环境设计:计算建模与模拟
IAAC拥有广泛的开创性硕士课程,为下一代建筑师和变革者提供想象、测试和塑造城市、建筑和技术未来的空间。Fab Academy是一种分布式教育模式,旨在向所有人介绍数字制造,包含讲习班和短期计划,可制定针对不同地区的全球议程实现,例如全球暑期学校。
同学们可选择报名单个部分课程,也可以参与整个课程。每一部分课程都将由 IAAC 教员直接管理,让学生可以加入到互动、合作、开发项目、参与全球讲座并会见我们的国际专家和讲师。
Part 4:Environmental Design
在过去的几年里,可持续性已成为建筑、工程和建造行业的一个关键话题。参与 AEC 的专业人员有机会影响环境中的变化,因此有责任从知识和评估的角度这样做。与性能感知设计的需求相一致,越来越多的环境分析和模拟工具被开发出来,并且可以在主流 CAD 框架中使用。对环境数据分析的了解以及使用环境模拟作为设计过程驱动因素的能力对新兴建筑师、城市规划者和决策者来说非常关键。本次研讨会旨在带领学生完成由生成优化框架支持的环境设计完整工作流程,以探索广阔的设计空间。
Over the last years, sustainability has become a key topic in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. Professionals involved in AEC have the opportunity to impact change within the environment, and thus the responsibility to do so from a standpoint of knowledge and diligent evaluation. Aligned with the necessity for performance-aware design, a growing suite of environmental analysis and simulation tools are developed and readily available within mainstream CAD frameworks. Literacy around environmental data analysis and the ability to use environmental simulation as drivers of the design process is key to the toolset of the emergent architects, urban planners, and decision-makers. This workshop aims to take students through the complete workflow of evidence-based environmental design supported by a generative optimization framework to enable the exploration of vast design spaces.
Starting from the analysis of an existing unused plot or a site selected for rehabilitation, students will formulate the design problem, develop an optimization hypothesis, parametrically explore the wide solution space and propose an optimal solution supported by data. This hands-on investigation will enable students to apply state of the art analytical techniques to complex problems in real context.
INTERLINK _ Stefana Zapuc; Teddy Fadous; Deniz Akyürek_Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre_ Faculty assistant: Ashkan Forough; Ivan Marchuk
At course completion the student will:
- Learn key concepts of environmental analysis using parametric tools
- Understand concepts of multi-objective optimization
- Understand how to define sustainability goals as measurable design parameters
- Learn to setup a generative optimization process
- Be capable to perform multi objective optimization on a parametric model
- Be able to set out an optimization strategy on a given problem
Oana Taut
Oana Taut ,罗马尼亚建筑师,加泰罗尼亚建筑学院的建筑硕士学位。她在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特的 UAUIM 获得了第一个建筑硕士学位,并在西班牙巴塞罗那的加泰罗尼亚建筑学院 (IAAC) 完成了为期两年的建筑硕士学习。Oana 的专业是根据客观数据设计空间,并以可持续的方式将其具体化。她专注于计算、基因优化、数字制造和沉浸式可视化技术。
她在IAAC中研究的硕士论文项目是关于人工智能作为更新架构过程中的推动者这一主题。去年她还担任了计算研讨会的助教。在加入 IAAC 之前,Oana曾在爱尔兰担任建筑师,参与当地的教育项目和中东的酒店项目。
Oana Taut is a Romanian architect with a Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. She obtained her first master degree in architecture at UAUIM in Bucharest, Romania and completed the two-year Master in Advanced Architecture at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) in Barcelona, Spain. Oana’s professional aim is to design space from objective data, and materialize it in a sustainable way. Her interests include computation, genetic optimization, digital fabrication and immersive visualization technologies.
Her master thesis project developed in IaaC is a research on the topic of artificial intelligence as enabler of a renewed architectural process. During the last year she has also acted as student assistant for the Computation Seminar, and then for the Self-Sufficient Buildings Research Line. Before coming to IAAC Oana has worked as an architect in Ireland, involved in education projects locally and hospitality projects in the Middle East.
Ivan Marchuk
(Faculty Assistant)
Ivan Marchuk,建筑师和计算设计师,同时拥有传统和先进的建筑、城市规划和设计背景。Ivan 获得了莫斯科建筑学院的建筑学士学位(2018 年),并在西班牙巴塞罗那的加泰罗尼亚建筑学院 (IAAC) 完成了为期两年的建筑硕士。
在过去的几年里,Ivan参与了各种各样的学术和专业项目,其中大多数与先进的计算工具和数字制造策略密切相关。Ivan 还参与了 IAAC 的各种学术活动和研讨会,例如“复杂形成”和“分叉”研讨会(2020 年),并在 2019-2020 学年期间担任 IAAC 的计算设计助教。目前,Ivan 在 External Reference Architects 担任计算设计师,并在 In_Generic 在线参数部门从事计算研究和教育工作。
Ivan Marchuk is an architect and a computational designer with a background in both traditional and advanced architecture, urban planning, and design. Ivan obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Moscow Institute of Architecture (2018) and completed the two-year Master in Advanced Architecture at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) in Barcelona, Spain.
During the past couple of years, Ivan has participated in a broad variety of academic and professional projects, most of them tightly related to advanced computational tools and digital fabrication strategies. Ivan has also been involved in various academic activities and workshops at IAAC such as the “Complex Forming” and “Bifurcation” seminars (in 2020) and performed as a computational design student assistant at IAAC during the academic year of 2019-2020. At the moment Ivan works as a computational designer at External Reference Architects and works on computational research and education at the In_Generic online parametric bureau.
Option 1:2021.07.26-2021.07.29
10:00 to 14:00 (Barcelona time – GMT+2)
Recommended to European, African, Asian and Australian participants.
– 8 hrs of live teaching
– 8 hrs of live mentoring and exercises review
– 1 hr of IAAC summer lecture
– Final GSS diploma certificate ceremony
Option 2:2021.07.26-2021.07.30
11:00 to 13:00 (America time – GMT-4)
Recommended to participants from all the time zones who are looking for a more flexible schedule.
– 8 hrs of recorded teaching
– 8 hrs of live mentoring and exercises review
– 1 hr of IAAC summer lecture
– Final live GSS diploma certificate ceremony
Rhinoceros 7.0.
The 90-day trial version can be downloaded from the web:
Other software to be specified by session.
Because Grasshopper 3D works best for the Windows operating system, we recommend students to have an installation of Windows (preferable Windows 10 x64). If you have an Apple computer, it is recommended that you install Windows on Boot Camp which will perform better than Parallels or VMWare. It is recommended that you max out the RAM potential on your computer.
All Grasshopper plugins will be provided by the instructors.
8 GB memory (RAM) or more
At least 600 MB space in the hard drive
We recommend a compatible video card for OpenGL 4.1.
Operational System
Windows 10, 8.1 or 7 SP2 (Grasshopper 3D is only currently available for the Windows operating system. For this reason, every student is required to have an installation of Windows).
If you have an Apple computer, it is recommended that you install Windows on Boot Camp which will perform better than Parallels or VMWare.
The workshop is open to all applicants with a bachelor degree related to the fields of Architecture, Design, Arts and Engineering willing to engage in the program. No previous extensive knowledge is required. The participants will receive lectures and classes to be introduced to the workshop’s topics, software and tools.
单门课程 2560rmb/人
两门课程 4450rmb/人
三门课程 5520rmb/人
四门课程 6820rmb/人
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