
商会近期建言献策成果回顾 Recent Government Engagements

中国美国商会 中国美国商会AmChamChina 2024-03-03


Recent Government Engagements



AmCham China Meets with Lin Songtian, President of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 



AmCham China Meets with Vice Minister Zhang Guangjun, Ministry of Science and Technology 



AmCham China Meets with Lin Songtian, President of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 

2022年7月15日,中国美国商会(AmCham China)总裁何迈可(Michael Hart)与商会部分会员企业代表前往中国人民对外友好协会,拜会林松添会长并呈送2022年《美国企业在中国白皮书》。会上,何迈可介绍了商会《白皮书》的主要内容、线上华盛顿之行和社会影响力计划,并感谢友协多年来对商会工作的支持与肯定。林松添高度评价商会为推动中美经贸关系发展所作出的贡献,并寄语在座的会员企业持续深耕中国市场。双方还就中美关系、外资企业深度参与中国高质量发展等话题进行了深入沟通与交流。

On July 15, 2022, AmCham China President Michael Hart and member company executives met with Mr. Lin Songtian, President of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries to deliver the 2022 American Business in China White Paper (White Paper). At the conference, Michael delivered an exclusive briefing on the 2022 White Paper, recent virtual D.C. outreach meetings, and the Social Impact Initiative. He thanked Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for their support and appreiation of the work AmCham China has done over the years. President Lin Songtian praised AmCham China's role in the development of US-China economic and trade relations and encouraged the member companies in attendance to expand the Chinese market. The two sides also exchanged views on issues such as US-China relations and the substantial contribution of foreign companies to China's high-quality development.



AmCham China Meets with Vice Minister Zhang Guangjun, Ministry of Science and Technology 

7月21日,科技部副部长张广军会见了中国美国商会(AmCham China)总裁何迈可(Michael Hart)及商会部分会员企业代表。双方就中美科技关系、科技创新政策、在华跨国企业研发等议题进行坦诚交流。

On July 21, AmCham China President Michael Hart along with a delegation of member company representatives met with Vice Minister of Science and Technology Zhang Guangjun. The two sides exchanged views on US-China science and technology relations, science and innovation policies, and research and development by multinational companies in China.



Vice Minister Zhang Guangjun noted that amity between the people holds the key to sound state-to-state relations. Only with intensive care can the tree of friendship and cooperation grow luxuriant. The Ministry of Sciences and Technology deeply appreciates the efforts of AmCham China to promote exchanges and cooperation between American companies and China, noting that the Chamber's efforts have built a bridge for enhancing friendly exchanges between the two countries. As the two sides are at different stages of development and have different cultures and systems during the course of exchanges, differences will inevitably arise. But practice has proved that exchanges and cooperation are mutually beneficial and lead to win-win results for both sides. At present, the world faces the universal challenges including climate change, energy shortages, the COVID-19 pandemic, and other issues. As responsible major countries, the US and China should work together and jointly tackle global challenges through enhanced scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation in order to create greater well-being for not only the people of the two countries, but also to make greater contributions to the progress of mankind.


Zhang said going forward, the Chinese government will implement a more open, inclusive and mutually beneficial development strategy for international scientific and technological cooperation. China will continue to promote international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation with more open-minded measures, improve China's ecological environment for science and technology innovation, and provide more opportunities for R&D and innovation in China by companies from all over the world, including the United States. Zhang concluded that the Ministry of Science and Technology is willing to strengthen ties with the American Chamber of Commerce in China and US technology companies in Beijing to promote practical cooperation between the two industries and boost the development of bilateral relations.


For his part, Michael Hart provided a briefing on the American Business in China White Paper (White Paper) released by AmCham China this past spring. He said the development of US companies in China is of positive significance to both the US and China. He noted that despite the challenges of the pandemic, China's market opportunities, business environment, and long-term development strategy are still attractive to Chamber of Commerce members, and China is still a priority market for many members to invest in. He encouraged the two governments to explore the establishment of a results-oriented bilateral exchange mechanism at all levels to create a favorable environment for bilateral enterprises to carry out trade, investment, and R&D cooperation. He pledged that AmCham China will continue to serve as a bridge to enhance mutual understanding between the two countries. The representatives of the AmCham China member enterprises present also put forward suggestions on how to participate in China's scientific and technological innovation development and carry out exchanges and cooperation with China.




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商会近期建言献策成果回顾 Recent Government Engagements

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