【周末荐读】贲圣林:民主信念被动摇了吗? —英国脱欧对全球治理的损害(附英文原文及中文对照翻译)
Brexit and the damage to international governance
民主信念被动摇了吗?——英国脱欧对全球治理的损害By Ben Shenglin[1] in Beijing
贲圣林 北京浙江大学管理学院教授、博士生导师,浙江大学互联网金融研究院创始院长,中国人民大学国际货币研究所执行所长With consequences unfolding around the globe, Britain's departure from the European Union has been guided by the conventional wisdom that democracy, ultimately expressed through a referendum, is a good and effective system for governance. Britain is held out as the pioneer and standard-bearer of 'western democracy'; the EU vote was supposed to show how a democratic system functions.
英国 “脱欧”的后果正在全球范围内发酵。这一事件表明,英国人仍遵循传统智慧的指引——即认为全民公投才是终极意义上良性且有效民主治理体系。英国向来被认为是“西式民主”的先锋与典范,而“脱欧”公投本该是一次民主体制优越性的彰显。
However, Brexit is likely to wreak irreversible and irreparable damage to Britain and the world. So, as an important by-product, the outcome will shake popular faith in the 'sacred' system of democracy.
A principal fault line between developed and developing countries appears to lie in divergences between economic systems. But there may be another one in the form of different views on universal suffrage, often considered a panacea for economic development by many in the West. With Brexit, democracy seems to have backfired. If democracy can go terribly wrong in Britain, the risk of this happening in many less-ready-for-democracy countries may become unbearably high for their authoritarian leaders and their people at large, prompting them to hesitate with or backpedal on democratic initiatives.
Of course, some people will argue that 23 June and the aftermath displayed shortcomings not of the system itself, but simply of how it was exercised. One can cite the 'agency problem' in politics: elected politicians tried to dodge their own responsibility by calling a referendum on a decision that is not suitable for popular vote and should be made by elected representatives themselves. A further argument would be that, if a popular vote is required, politicians should fine-tune the system to ensure that key decisions such as leaving the EU are made not just through a simple majority but through a more rigorous procedure subject to greater checks and balances.
Whatever the referendum's longer-term implications, we have to investigate its more immediate impact, on the UK and further afield. Many consider Brexit as a 'Black Swan' event, previously unexpected and unthinkable.
In confronting harsh reality, we need to answer some challenging questions, first, on whether the UK in its current shape will survive. Will centrifugal forces in places like Scotland and London gather so much momentum that the UK will be dismembered and diminished into a much less important nation? Will history make a full circle by returning to the era of a pre-British Empire, with England as a standalone entity? The answers will determine much more than simply how harshly historians judge David Cameron, the luckless former prime minister.
The second issue is whether the EU itself will fall apartand retreat to the original union of 'core countries', reduced significantly insize and global influence, perhaps enhanced in internal cohesion. Arguably theEU has been expanding too quickly and has focused unduly on amalgamation interms of size, instead of internal harmonisation among member nations. EUleaders now, still more urgently than before, must re-examine the balancebetween external expansion and internal cohesion, assess an optimal size forthe Union, and find the right strategic path for the future.
The third area is in geopolitics. Whatever the exactprogression of the first and second sets of circumstances, 'Europe', both as anidea, and as a functioning body of nations, will be weakened on the worldstage. This will change world dynamics, probably in favour of America and to alesser extent Asia.
The overall repercussions extend well beyond such directimpacts. The indirect international effects, through a redrawing of ideologicalconcepts of governance, may turn out to be still more profound. The resultswill reverberate around the international landscape, for years to come.
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