
视点 | 洪灝:救市会成功吗?(Market Rescue: Will It Work?)

洪灝 IMI财经观察 2020-08-21




《Market Rescue:Will It Work?》


Shanghai reeks of calls to “bailout”, and is attempting to stage a technical rebound. The series of speeches by top policy makers, the accompanying array of new policies to stem the hemorrhage, and more importantly, the swiftness of the rollout of these policies all suggest the resolve to “rescue” the market. For instance, it only took four days for the People’s Congress to change the corporate law to make ways for stock repurchase by listed companies. Brokers are disallowed from forced selling those shares pledged but cannot meet margin calls, and they are readying funds to relieve those “worthwhile” companies of which shares are heavily pledged.



Will it work?



Our quantitative analysis shows that the amount of shares pledged and the percentage of total market capitalization pledged have been rising since early 2015, even though the stock market bubble burst only managed to put a fleeting dent in the share-pledge practice. The percentage of the market pledged rose until March 2018, and then began to fall sharply (Figure 1). It appears that as the market plunge accelerated, margin calls on shares pledged increased – it was like stepping on the gas pedal.

图表一: 中国大规模股票质押的困境.

Figure 1: China’s shares-pledge problem.

Source: Wind, BOCOM Int'l


That said, given that the entire emerging market has been under pressure since late January, and that the percentage of market pledged has been rising in tandem as the market recovered from the 2015 crash, it is unlikely that these share-pledged loans are the reason for the bear market, although it must have aggravated it. Meanwhile, the surging volatility in the US market has not helped – the consequence of the colliding economic down cycle in China and the peaking cycle in the US (“The Colliding Cycles of the US and China”, 20180902).


此外,火速修改并通过的公司法以允许上市企业更容易的回购股份。这个修改法案是否能够奏效?我们的研究分析显示,其实答案尚不明朗。我们认为,如果上市公司资产负债表上净现金为正值,则该公司有能力在公开市场上回收股份。我们通过比较上市公司资产负债表上的净现金流量与短期债务发现,当前所有上市公司仅有约3,250亿的净现金,相当于持有净现金对应的公司12.3%的自由流通股市值。但这些净现金只占不到整个市场40万亿元总市值的1%。 这个净现金的总量虽然已经从2016年的4000亿元左右的规模有所下降,但由于市场下跌,其相对于市场总市值的比例大致稳定(图2)。综上所示,上市公司能够用于公开回购股份的现金量其实是有限的。尽管修改后的法律能够帮助那些拥有额外现金流的公司,但这些公司本身应该比较健康,因此也可能不太倾向于通过回购的渠道去支持自己的股票。

Will the swift changes of corporate law to allow easier share repurchase work? Our analysis suggests the answer is unclear. We compare listed companies’ net cash on balance sheet with their current liabilities. If net cash is positive, the companies will have the ability to buy back shares in the open market. We find that the listed companies only have 325 billion yuan of net cash, or 12.3% of the corresponding companies’ free-float market cap, but less than 1% of the entire market’s capitalization of over 40 trillion yuan. This figure has fallen from just over 400 billion yuan, but the percentage remains stable – a result of a falling market (Figure 2). As such, the net cash that can be deployed for share buyback is limited, despite the change of law. It could help those companies with some excess cash, but these companies are strong in their own right, and thus probably less prone to support their own shares.


图表二: 上市公司净现金有限,难以展开大规模的公开市场回购

Figure 2: Listed companies have limited net cash for share repurchase. 

Source: Wind, BOCOM Int'l



In sum, these tactics are likely to support the subdued market sentiment. But they have not touched the essence of the issue that the China’s stock market has been confronted with – the stock market has not always been an inclusive pursuit to give the hoi polloi the opportunity to participate in wealth creation via the growth of listed companies. Instead, it has been a game of “rip-off”, of the rich over the poor, the haves over the have-nots, the insiders over the outsiders. And the Chinese retail investors, often in good spirit, nickname such a game “harvesting chives” (because chives grow fast and can be harvested over and over).



In recent history, there have been two great bull runs in the Chinese stock markets – one from mid-2005 to late-2007, and another from mid-2014 to mid-2015. The fundamental reason for these bull markets is that there was structural change prior to the inception of these bull markets - to include retail investors in the pursuit of wealth creation: in 2005, it is the stock ownership reform to resolve the status of the restricted shares held by the state; and in 2014, the significant growth of margin lending, rightly or wrongly, let a great many soar from rags to riches, and then back to earth.



The reason why the Chinese favors property as an asset class over stocks, and property has done exceedingly well is not just because property is the most legitimate way to take on leverage, even for a working class. It is because property is probably the only fair game that has been consistently letting the most number of people participate in wealth creation. It started from the housing reform in 1998, when the state transferred significant wealth to the masses through selling state-owned property titles at a token price.


两年前,在我们题为《市场底部:何时何地》的报告中,我们将市场底部重新定义为相对于长期经济增长率(报告发布于2016年六月三日)。我们发现,上证综指与1986年以来中国的五年计划里隐含的GDP增长目标之间呈对数线性关系 (图3)。在两年前的这份报告中,我们写道:如果这个历史关系持续,理论上的市场底部应该在2450左右。

In our report titled “the Market Bottom: When and Where” more than two years ago (20160604), we re-defined the market bottom as relative to a long-term economic growth rate. We showed that a log-linear relationship between the Shanghai Composite and the implicit GDP growth target implied by China’s Five-Year-Plan since 1986 (Figure 3). Interestingly, the time when Shanghai touched its bottom twice in the past, 2005 and 2014, coincided with the structural changes we discussed above. In this report two years ago, we wrote that the theoretical market bottom should be around 2,450, should the historical relationship persist.



Figure 3: Shanghai is at its long-term trend line. 


The ann. compound rate of the rising trend = GDP target.

Source: Bloomberg



On October 19, 2018, the Shanghai Composite plunged to 2,449.197 before it rebounded. In the past two years, we documented a mysterious force that has prevented the Shanghai Composite to arrive at its theoretical bottom, and had presented our findings to top policy makers (Figure 4). Recent public filings showed that the “National Team” had left the market.


图表四: 一股神秘力量曾在2016年阻碍上证最终触底。

Figure 4: Mysterious force in 2016. 


Now Shanghai is oversold, but its bottom tends to be protracted.

Source: Bloomberg, BOCOM Int'l


After the First Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress on March 17, 2013, Premier Li Keqiang commented while answering questions from the press: “sometimes stirring vested interests may be more difficult than stirring the soul”. It is a candid and vivid assessment of the challenges that the Chinese market is facing. With the short-term policy tactical maneuvers, the Chinese market will attempt to heal, albeit hampered by overseas volatility. But before we see structural changes that “stir the soul”, the return of the great bull market remains elusive. 

编辑  李佳璇 王钰彬

来源  洪灝的中国市场策略

审校  田雯

监制  朱霜霜


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