
观点| 郑永年: “一带一路”基础设施建设应与民生经济更好结合

国观智库 2019-07-17

近期,China Focus以“一带一路”为主题,推出了一系列海外知名人物高端访谈。本篇文章整理自薛力代表China Focus对新加坡国立大学东亚研究所所长郑永年的专访。






China Focus(薛力): 促进基础设施建设是“一带一路”的核心内容之一。但基础设施很难盈利,为什么中国还要大力推动此类建设?


China Focus: It is difficult to make profits off of infrastructure in short term, so why is China pushing this kind of construction?

Zheng Yongnian: Infrastructure is China's strong point. It is less profitable and has a long investment cycle. Although both China and the United States are developing the real economy, Wall Street values financial capital and Internet capital more. The West is less interested in real economies such as infrastructure, which leaves room for the development of other countries, even though Western countries still criticize China's behavior as "neocolonialist." Actually, if China doesn't build infrastructure in these countries, no other countries will.


Technicians check trains at a Turkish firm in Ankara, which is in partnership with China Railroad Rolling Stock Corp. 

China Focus:“一带一路”主要是经济驱动的吗?有些人认为其中存在政治动因,您怎么看?


China Focus: Is the BRI largely economically driven? Some people think there are political drivers. What do you think?

Zheng Yongnian: I don't think there is a big political reason. If there is a political reason, China should not adopt these practices. In reality, even if there is no political reason, other countries will regard it as political. Large-scale infrastructure construction, although an economic project, will also bring political results, as in the Myitsone Hydropower station in Myanmar. Once seen as a political project, large-scale infrastructure construction will be viewed as ideological, and other countries will seek more economic benefits.

China Focus: “一带一路”最大的优点是什么?又存在哪些问题?


China Focus: What are the biggest advantages and disadvantages of the BRI?

Zheng Yongnian: The biggest advantage is development. Particularly after the 2008 financial crisis, the global economy lacked the driving force for development. The West was busy enough with its own affairs. Since the 1980s, the West has been a driving force for the development of the world economy and China has joined in. But once there is a problem in the West, there will be no motivation. The BRI provides new opportunities, and infrastructure is important for economic development in any country. The biggest shortcoming is that for the people, large-scale infrastructure needs to be integrated with the livelihood economy. 

China Focus: “一带一路”倡议目前在新加坡实施情况如何?


China Focus: What is the current implementation of the BRI in Singapore?

Zheng Yongnian: Due to the small size of the country, Singapore does not need infrastructure construction very much; the main focus is on finance. Singapore can serve as a financial center, it can provide a bridge for China to go global and connect "One Belt" with "One Road." Another area may be where cooperation between the two sides is developed in third countries, which is still in the discussion stage. 

China Focus: “一带一路”推出后,中国在外交政策方面发生了哪些变化?


China Focus: After the launch of the BRI, what changes has China made in foreign policy?

Zheng Yongnian: China's foreign policy is centered on the BRI, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Although it helps to better promote the initiative, it causes other countries to have doubts. They see that everything is about the Belt and Road and think that it may be the Chinese-style of new expansionism.

China Focus: 您认为在推进“一带一路”建设方面,中国有哪些需要改进的地方?





China Focus: What needs to be improved in China’s existing practices?

Zheng Yongnian: Infrastructure construction is necessary. Other countries must have corresponding infrastructure to develop their economies. Wall Street capital and international institutions are not interested in this aspect, so only China can do it. 


The BRI aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient trade routes of the Silk Road. 

However, China also needs to change its approach. For example, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road should be the interconnection of ports, aviation, and the like, which are better than inland railway construction.

At present, the scale of the project is too large, and it should be reduced to a smaller size and broken up into parts. If the scale of the project is too large, it will cause  political resistance. After reducing the project to a smaller size, private enterprises and other countries' capital can participate and reduce their own risks.

The Belt and Road infrastructure construction should be combined with the livelihood economy, China should consider how the BRI will drive other local economic activities and benefit more people.


台湾各界如何看待“一带一路”? 国观智库“一带一路”与两岸产业合作研讨会在京举行

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