漂洋过海 心意无界——来自世界各地“未来领导者”项目学生的节日祝福
项目学生在收到光华新年晚会的邀请后,在短短两周的时间里,由班委统筹组织,20余名国际学生共同参与,创作了这段名为《Crossing Borders》的视频,以此表达他们虽被疫情阻隔在天南海北,却心系北大光华,感激学院对他们的关心和帮助,盼望尽早来到校园的迫切心情。一封漂洋过海集满学生签名的感谢信,从西班牙,经以色列、新加坡、中国香港、法国、德国、加拿大、意大利、波兰、巴西,抵达北大的新年晚会现场,传递到项目的中国同学手上,呈现给全院师生。请收下这满满的感恩与祝福。
Having pulled through this difficult year together, students from the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University gathered on December 26th to celebrate the approaching new year. The inaugural cohort of the “Future Leaders” Program created a special video carrying holiday greetings from all over the world that was screened at the Guanghua Students 2021 New Year Party. In addition to the good wishes for the upcoming year, the video also expressed gratitude to classmates and staff at Guanghua. Due to the pandemic, 26 international students from the “Future Leaders” Program, instead of joining their classmates on campus, attended class remotely during their first semester at PKU. To better support online learning and enable online student activities, Peking University and the Guanghua School of Management invested in new classroom technology, adapted teaching methods and course content, and experimented with innovative online bonding events to improve and enrich their “campus life” experience at PKU.
“Thank you to Peking University and the Guanghua School of Management for making our virtual education experience as smooth and integrating as possible. We can’t wait to see you all in person!” The 26 international students channeled their creativity and skills to send sincere wishes all the way from Spain, Israel, Singapore, Hong Kong (China), France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Poland and Brazil to the student community in Beijing. Even though students across the globe are held up by the pandemic, the sentiments they shared transcend borders, linking hearts together. The Guanghua family is proud to have fostered such strong connections despite the challenges. 2021 is sure to be an exciting year when we stand ever closer with our international communities and welcome positive change.
与你相遇,未来可期!| 北大光华“未来领导者”项目线上迎新记