双语 | 美国大选变天?特朗普“复活”,希拉里也被“闺蜜”坑
就在韩国总统朴槿惠深陷“闺蜜(confidante) 干政(meddling/interfering in state affairs)”风波的同时,希拉里也被闺蜜“坑”了!眼看11月8日大选日就要到了,却因为女助手阿伯丁(Huma Abedin)保留的希拉里的邮件,使得本已“息事宁人”的邮件丑闻(Email Scandal)再度发酵,被FBI重新开启调查。
到底怎么回事?看看下面这篇Russia Today的英文报道↓
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shows a one percent, 46-45, lead over Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to the latest poll. Trump’s resurgence follows revelations that the FBI is taking a renewed look at the Clinton e-mails scandal.
Trump’s lead in the poll comes despite the Democratic presidential candidate having a lead in early voting, which shows her at 54 percent compared with Trump at 41 percent, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Tuesday.
One in five likely voters said they had already voted (21 percent), while about one-quarter said they plan to vote early or by mail (24 percent). Only a slight majority plan to vote in-person on Election Day.
The United States Election project said 24.7 million voters have voted early, 19 percent of the 129 million ballots cast in 2012.
Some 53 percent of Trump supporters had enthusiasm for their candidate, compared to only 43 percent of Clinton backers.
Reflecting the difficulty voters have with both candidates this election season, voter enthusiasm has dropped by more than 10 percent compared to that which President Obama enjoyed in 2012, when he scored 64 percent voter enthusiasm, with Romney narrowly behind at 61 percent, according to the poll.
Trump enjoys support from 78 percent of the white evangelical Protestants, 77 percent of conservatives 68 percent among rural voters, and 59 percent among white men, according to the poll. Clinton has 81 percent support among liberals, 67 percent of those identifying with no religion, 60 percent of those in urban areas, and 72 percent among non-whites.
The poll, which was conducted by phone over the four nights from October 27 to October 30, took a random sampling of 1,773 likely voting adults. The results have an overall sampling error of 2.5 points.
英文来源:Russia Today
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