视频 | 这才是男神!王力宏又封博士 英文演讲惊艳四座
【编者按】近日伯克利音乐学院(Berklee College of Music)宣布授予王力宏荣誉博士学位,这也是王力宏获得的第二个博士学位,此前他就读本科的威廉姆斯学院也曾颁发给他荣誉博士的殊荣。而伯克利音乐学院也宣布从2017年起设立“王力宏全额奖学金”,每年资助一名来自中国的优秀青年音乐人零学费入读伯克利。
The fully-packed, sold-out performance hall at BSO of was packed with over 2,500 Sunday night. They embraced Wang LeeHom, who received an honorary doctoral degree from Berklee College of Music, along with the array of orchestral, vocal, and Chinese drum performers, many of whom are current students or faculty of world-renowned Berklee College of Music.
Warmth and excitement permeated the evening as the Chinese “Music Man” played crowd favorites including Descendants of the Dragon, Big City, Small Love, and Forever Love, saving his best for last.
音乐会上,王力宏演唱了朗朗上口的《龙的传人》、《大城小事》以及《Forever Love》等歌曲, 最后一首压轴曲目,更是将全场沸腾的氛围推向最高潮。
The show concluded with all of the performers uniting on the raging piece Bo Ya Cuts the Strings, but not before LeeHom performed one of his recent hits Open Fire- a song titled to match both the name of his world tour and his soon-to-be-released documentary. After its initial premiere in Canada at Toronto’s International Film Festival, “Open Fire” has left many fans discussing when the film, which depicts the hardships he faced preparing for his world tour, will hit theatres across the world.
Since LeeHom’s first album came out 21 years ago. He is the best selling Mandarin artist of his generation, a recipient of of eleven Chinese music awards, a multi-recipient of the Golden Melody award- the Chinese version of the Grammys and his concerts have sold out on four continents. In addition he has appeared in or collaborated in more than 13 films. He’s now been married for three years with two children.
英文来源:The Week
视频 | 韩雪TED英文演讲 流利口语全程高能(附金句盘点)
热点 | 判若两人!希拉里现身国会山狂批假新闻(音频+全文+语言点)
视频 | 凯特王妃最新英伦腔演讲,关注儿童心理健康(双语全文)