双语 | 印度为何无法超越中国?龙象之争,用事实说话!
While the average income in China and India remains low, their impressive economic growth and enormous populations have made them two world powers of extraordinary importance. Therefore, even if a large slice of their population remains in poverty, the economies of China and India are completely integrated into the world markets and financial exchanges, making the development of these two key countries important to maintaining a peaceful international scene during the 21st Century.
Following the financial crisis of 2008 and the difficulty faced by the main world powers in maintaining a sustainable economic growth, China and India are among the few economies to record a positive rate of growth. Many hope that a closer collaboration among these two colossus may lead the rest of the world to break the negative trend of the worldwide economy.
Nevertheless, when China and India are more closely and meticulously compared, the profound difference in development between the dragon and the elephant is immediately noticeable, with the former having a decisive advantage over the latter.
The situation in China
In 2010 China became the largest exporter of essential goods and surpassed Japan in terms of gross domestic production (GDP). The restructuring of the Chinese economy has increased the GDP tenfold since 1978. Measured in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), in 2015 China became the largest economy in the world, passing the United States for the first time in history.
Nevertheless the per capita income of Chinese residents remains below the world average. Moreover the Chinese government has numerous difficult challenges to face, among which are:
Reducing the enormous savings rate for families and promoting domestic consumption;
Increasing work opportunities in sectors with high paying salaries and promoting the hiring of newly-graduated students;
Reducing the level of corruption and other economic crimes;
Reducing environmental pollution;
Reversing the aging process of the population.
In response to these problems in 2015, the Chinese government emphasized the need for new and more effective economic reforms during the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan to increase innovation and domestic consumption so that the Chinese economy is less dependent on fixed investments, exports, and heavy industry.
The situation in India
India is slowly becoming a market economy. In the Nineties, the government promoted economic freedom measures, such as the deregulation of the industrial sector, privatization of principal state agencies, and a reduction on controls on commerce and direct foreign investment. These politics allowed India to reach an annual growth of 7% per year from 1997 to 2011.
Almost half of the workforce is engaged in the agricultural sector, but the real backbone of Indian economic growth is in the service sector. In 2011, the Indian economy slowed due to high interest rates, growing inflation and investors’ pessimism regarding the will of the central government to promote greater economic freedoms.
Nevertheless, starting in 2012, the Indian economy has recovered and grows thanks to government investments, measures introduced to reduce the deficit, and also thanks to greater participation on the part of foreign firms. The latest growth was in 2014 and 2015, during which period GDP growth equal to 7% was recorded. India, like China, has to face a series of challenges in order to maintain and sustain current economic growth, such as:
Lowering the poverty rate;
Curb endemic corruption;
Eliminate violence and discrimination against women and children;
Implement a more efficient distribution system throughout the territory;
Promote intellectual property rights;
Improve transport systems and infrastructure for agriculture;
Create greater job opportunities in sectors other than agriculture;
Control migration between the countryside and cities;
Reform and improve the scholastic system.
Level of development in China and India
In the Fifties, the national economies of China and India were at the same level. The Indian economy during that same period recorded better performance both in terms of gross national product (GNP) and GNP per capita. Nevertheless, following the opening of foreign investments and the reforms promoted during the Seventies, the Chinese economy recorded enormous progress and has surpassed the Indian economy in every category.
According to the latest figures, the Indian economy is growing annually at 7.1 percent, while the Chinese economy's growth has fallen to 6.7 percent.
Even if India's economy is growing faster than China, it does not mean that India has become economically as powerful as China. While India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was $2.5 trillion in 2016, China's GDP is nearly five times of that, at $11.4 trillion.
That also reflects in the per capita GDP: while it is $8,260 for China, for India it is $1,718.
India might overtake China in terms of population by 2022, but to overtake its per capita GDP, the Indian economy needs to grow more than 30 percent annually.
Otherwise, at this rate, it will take more than 125 years to match China's success.
In conclusion, even if the Indian economy were to grow faster than the Chinese, India would need an enormous period of time before reaching a level of development and complexity on scale with the Chinese economy.
India’s economic growth began with its gaining independence from Great Britain in 1947, and has accelerated noticeably after the inauguration of political reforms promised by Nehru in the Eighties. The reforms concentrated on three main aspects: encouraging the importation of goods and products, a light easing of control on industry on the part of the state, and an initial reform on the system of taxation.
Lastly, since economic development is a typically political process, the role the government plays is fundamental in providing sustainable development. An analysis of the growth of the Indian economy since its independence shows how the poor administrative ability of the Indian government has been a key factor in the slowing of the socioeconomic development of the country.
When taking into account indications of government efficiency and quality of legislation, China has better results than India. The Chinese government is extremely competent in directing resources and reaching agreements, allowing it to promote an effective and efficient socioeconomic development.
In conclusion, even if the Indian GDP growth is faster than the Chinese, the Indian economy and its process of development are far from passing their Chinese counterparts.
英文来源:Sapore di Cina,DailyO
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