

译·世界 2022-12-28

又是一年毕业季。来自中国河南郑州的白玖洋是美国名校布朗大学(Brown University)认知科学(cognitive science)专业的博士毕业生。

当地时间5月29日,作为博士毕业生代表,白玖洋在毕业典礼上发表了题为《Don't Be Afraid of Being Vulnerable》(《不要害怕感到脆弱》)的演讲。演讲不仅收获了布朗大学的好评,也在国内火了。



Jiuyang Bai, who received his Ph.D. in cognitive science, chose to embrace vulnerability. In an address to his fellow doctoral graduates in Brown University, he candidly shared that coming to the U.S. to earn master’s and doctoral degrees felt like playing a challenging video game in difficult mode.

“If you are also an international student who came from a very different culture, you know exactly what I mean,” he said. “You know the feeling of frequently explaining yourself to others. You know the feeling of being misunderstood. You know the feeling of missing your family, your friends and even just the food you’re familiar with.”


Bai said that he feared showing the vulnerability he felt while at Brown, until he realized that fear helps no one and can even tear communities apart. 

“回顾我的生活和世界上发生的事, 我意识到害怕脆弱从来都是没有好处的。它使我们停止沟通,对不确定性的容忍度降低,并开始使用刻板印象来看待他人。在很多情况下,它还会导致攻击性甚至暴力。”
“Looking back in my life and things that have happened in the world, I realize the fear of feeling vulnerable has never done good. It makes us shut down the channel of communication, become less tolerant to uncertainty and start to perceive others using stereotypes. And in many cases, it also leads to aggression and even violence.”

“The pandemic made people feel vulnerable, then hate crime against Asian community soared. Maybe some people cannot accept the fact that a virus can still threaten their life in the 21st century, so they use hate to create a narrative to themselves that this is all somebody else’s fault.”

“If they understood we, as humans, are still vulnerable in front of mother nature, they would feel not hate but empathy and compassion.”


“What do we do when everyone feels cold? We don't hate each other. We hug and warm each other. That's what we do.”


So Bai decided to conquer his fear, laying bare his vulnerabilities. He participated in English language workshops on campus, joined the Brown Swing Club and held Chinese language conversations with fellow students. Those interactions led to deep connections with others at Brown and gave Bai enough confidence.


“In my own journey at Brown, I realized that if I abandon fear and stay true to myself and others, eventually vulnerability leads to courage and strength,” he said. “Vulnerability really connects us, because we have all been through a tough time. It gives us the foundation to trust and support each other.”

他建议大家永远不要忘记自己的脆弱,因为这是保持同情心和产生积极变化的关键:“我希望你们保持一颗坚强、信任的心—— 一颗仍然会感到脆弱的心; 一颗开放,能接受未知的心; 一颗能与世界上遭遇不幸的人们息息相通的心。”
He advised his fellow graduates to never forget their vulnerability, because it is the key to remaining compassionate and effecting positive change: “I hope you maintain a strong, trusting heart — a heart that can still feel vulnerable; a heart that is open and tolerant to uncertainty; a heart that can relate to people who are still suffering in the world.”


图源 | 21世纪英文报视频号截图


审核|肖英 / 蓝莓




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