On March 28, a ceremony marking the start of Maojian tea picking was held in Shihe district of Xinyang city, Central China's Henan province.
With a tea garden area of 600 thousand mu (1 mu equals 0.0667 hectares), Xinyang's Shihe district, the main Xinyang Maojian tea producer in China, mainly produces green tea and black tea. Besides, the production of Oolong tea, white tea and dark tea here also keeps strong momentum. In 2021, Shihe district produced 49 thousand tons of tea with an output value of 9.5 billion yuan, of which 6.3 billion yuan was contributed by green tea while 3.2 billion yuan by black tea, Oolong tea, white tea and dark tea. According to China Agricultural Brand Research Center of Zhejiang University in April 2021, Xinyang Maojian tea ranked 3rd in national tea brand ranking with a brand value of 7.108 billion yuan.
In recent years, Shihe district has strengthened its support for leading tea enterprises to realize better-organized tea production and to promote the level of tea industrialization. So far, Shihe district has 1 national leading enterprise, and 9 provincial and 19 municipal ones.
中文来源/顶端新闻·河南商报 记者/肖风伟 编译/赵汉青 审校/张军平
责编:赵惜辰 审核:贺心群
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