
俯瞰海南会有多美?| Aerial China 2: Island-province Hainan

CGTN 2023-10-29

CCTV's groundbreaking documentary series,"Aerial China," is the first Chinese program tohave been produced using drone technology.

Each episode in the series celebrates thehistory, culture and natural beauty of a different area of China. Spanning 34vastly different provinces and regions, this series is the most difficult andexpensive documentary that CCTV has ever produced. 


Join us in this unique journey across the sky, as CGTN looks at the best of China’s breathtaking scenery. 

Hainan is an island, with a contiguous sea area equivalent to one quarter of the whole country’s land area.


The full episode is available here:



Qilou Business 

in Haikou

骑楼商业街 – 海口

Haikou is the closest city on Hainan to the mainland. Ninety percent of goods entering and leaving the island pass through its port. 

The city's Qilou Street gets its name from the protruding structures, with Qilou meaning “overhanging buildings”. For several centuries, there has been a flourishing trade between Hainan and Southeast Asia. People here brought back new commodities such as coffee, as well as the new styles of architecture.



Sanya – City of two tales


Historically, Sanya was referred to as the end of the Earth. Disgraced officials and prisoners were sent into exile to this remote and at the time, impoverished place. These days by contrast, the city is booming thanks in part to tourism. Sanya is now one of China’s leading travel destinations.

三亚是人们常说的天涯海角,在古代,它是贬谪官员、流放囚犯的荒凉之地。千年后,人们看到它炙手可热的未来。 旅游业的发展,重塑了人们对边远之地的浪漫想象。今天,三亚已经被打造成中国顶级的度假天堂。

Satellite Launch Centre in Wenchang


Wenchang is home to China’s only coastal satellite launch site, with its location near the equator ideal for facilitating rockets’ entry into orbit. In 2016, more than 20,000 people witnessed the launch of Long March-7 rocket on site.

文昌拥有中国最接近赤道的航天发射场。在这里发射的火箭,可以更轻松地进入轨道。这是目前中国最开放的航天发射场。2016年, 两万多人近距离观看了“长征七号”火箭升空。

Yongle Dragon Hole – Sansha City

大海的瞳孔 – 三沙永乐龙洞

 From the air this looks like an eye in the sea. Locally, it’s called the “blue hole”. The blue hole is a natural wonder formed billions of years ago. It was created when glaciers melted and seawater filled a karst cave. At more than 300 metres, it’s the deepest natural feature like it, anywhere in the world.


