

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-30




在过去几年中,“一带一路”沿线国家的民众们也积极参与到建设当中来,共建"民心相通桥", 共享发展成果。


Close cooperation on infrastructure, the economy and technology between China and its 

Closer cooperation on infrastructure, economy and technology between China and partner nations has thrived since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013. 

Thanks to these deepening ties, more Chinese companies have expanded their operations overseas.

CGTN is sharing personal stories of employees who work in Chinese companies that benefit from the BRI.

In the ninth episode of "The Faces," Li Jiqin shares his experience of being the first project manager at the construction site of the Republic of Congo's Highway No. 1 project and how the project makes Congolese's dream come true.


The Republic of Congo's Highway No. 1.

The project, with total length about 600 kilometers, starts from Pointe-Noire, the nation's largest port city, to the capital Brazzaville. Since it was set up in 2016, the highway has cut the travel time from Brazzaville to Pointe-Noire from one week to six hours and increased the number of vehicles passing between the two cities per day from 100 to 4,000, providing vital trade links for the country. 


Li Jiqin joined China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd. (CSCEC) straight after graduating from Tsinghua University in 1987. Currently, he's the executive manager of CSCEC. 

李吉勤,教授级高级工程师,1987年7月毕业于清华大学,现任中国建筑国际工程公司执行总经理。这几年他成功地实施了几个比较大的项目包括刚果(布)国家1号公路(最终结算额28.92亿美元)、巴基斯坦卡拉奇-拉合尔高速公路(苏库尔本尔坦段) (合同额28.89亿美元) 、刚果(布)国家1号公路特许经营(预计营业收入60.7亿欧元)等多个大型海外项目。

The Highway No. 1 project started in 2008 and lasted for eight years. Li was its first manager.

Li Jiqin at work in the Republic of Congo in 2008./Photo Courtesy of CSCEC 


"The project was negotiated during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2006 and was the biggest infrastructure contract signed between the two countries that year. Before Highway No. 1 was constructed, there was no land transportation between these two cities," Li said, connecting the country's political center to its economic hub is a dream of the Congolese.


For the Republic of Congo, the Mayombe, with rich reserves of natural resources and wood, is a national treasure. However, the ancient forest lies between Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire. So, building a road through the forest becomes extremely hard. 

The Republic of Congo is a high-prevalence area of West Africa Tropical Diseases. Moreover, in the Mayombe Forest, there are almost all kinds of Africa Tropical diseases that people have heard or seen, like malaria, filariasis and drosophila. More than half of Chinese employees on the project have been infected with malaria, and some of them even had to suffer the shaking chills and high fevers from malaria once a week.


"Although we have suffered many hardships, for eight years, living conditions were very difficult, but our goal has been achieved. The economy in Congo has been greatly improved." Li said the reason why they can get through it is they have faith in themselves: They are representing China and their company. 

"Their prime minister kept saying that there are some people who blast cliffs and split mountains in the Mayombe Forest, and they are Chinese." During the eight-year construction period, CSCEC has helped elevate the construction skillsets of nearly 20,000 local workers by offering technical knowledge, training and practical project experiences.

Li Jiqin in his Beijing office.


For Li, who has served CSCEC for more than 30 years, has witnessed the tremendous change of Chinese companies "going abroad." Although it was very hard, they still feel proud. "Where the destiny of our nation lies, is where we should strive."

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