The Confucian fist originated in the late Ming dynasty in Fuzhou City, southeast China's Fujian Province. It is a rare southern style martial art created by four Confucian scholars.Pan practices Confucian Fist. /CGTN Photo儒家拳主修近身格斗,爆发力强。通过模仿自然界动物的形态、动势,形成上、中、下三管齐下的立体进攻空间。儒家拳将打与缠结合起来,有儒法、鱼法、鸡法、犬法之分,招式灵活多变,以快制胜。
Confucian fist is used in close combats with explosive force. Combining defense and offense moves, this martial art was divided into Confucian, fish, rooster, and dog styles. By using various animals' movements, fighters use all of the attacking space.
Pan teaches students about Confucian culture. /CGTN Photo“读圣贤书,习儒家拳,当传承人,成守龙族”。练习儒家拳不仅是武术的修行,也是对传统礼仪和儒家思想的传承。
"Read sages books, learn Confucian fist, inherit the martial art, defend our country". Confucian fist is not only devoting oneself to the martial art, but also transmitting traditional Chinese etiquette and Confucianism.
习武四十余年,潘立腾深知,传统文化是武术的精髓。身为非遗儒家拳代表性传承人和第五代唯一嫡传弟子,他肩负着传承和发扬儒家拳的责任,并立志让儒家拳在现代传承的过程中发挥积极作用。Pan Liteng is the fifth generation inheritor of the Confucian fist, the intangible cultural heritage of China. He has practiced it for 40 years. With the responsibility of developing Confucian fist, Pan is determined to help it play an active role in contemporary society.上香、磕头、递拜师帖、敬茶、赐入门书……如今的潘立腾已是桃李满天下,每次收徒,他仍要举行最传统的仪式。在他看来,习武之人,首先应该习礼。在这样的仪式中,人亦可以审视自身,提高自己的文化修养。Burn incense, the traditional greeting of "kowtow", applying for admission, serve tea, approve the application … the ceremony for accepting disciples is tedious. Even so, Pan still holds the traditional ceremony. In his opinion, those who practice martial arts should understand etiquette first. In such ceremonies, one can examine oneself and improve one's cultural accomplishments.
“我们的武术最后的目的不是单单要打赢对方,更多的是修身、修炼自己,是战胜自己。”"The ultimate goal of practicing martial art is not to win, but to improve through practicing and triumph over oneself." Pan says.Pan teaches Confucian Fist to students. /CGTN Photo2014年,儒家拳入选为福州市非物质文化遗产;2017年又入选为福建省非物质文化遗产保护项目。潘立腾希望,通过习武人的努力,这门传统武术能够代代相传,历久弥新。
In 2014, Confucian fist was listed as an intangible cultural heritage of Fuzhou City. In 2017, it was selected as an intangible cultural heritage protection project in Fujian Province. Pan hopes that this traditional martial art can be passed down through their effort.追随“垃圾”的脚步,只为零废弃生活的理想 | The Pursuit of a Zero-Waste Life
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