
戈壁滩上的 “绿色长城” | 我们新疆好地方

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-24



Over the past 30 years, a quiet war against nature had been waged in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China's far west – to turn swaths of desert into an oasis of forest.

Leading this ecological campaign is the city of Aksu, located on the edge of China's largest desert, the Taklamakan, whose name translates to "the place of no return." As one of the biggest shifting sand dunes in the world, its size is slightly smaller than that of Germany.

Aksu used to be buried in thick sand for the better part of the year. Persistent drought hindered economic growth and defeated several attempts to extract groundwater.

谷歌地图上一段阿克苏地区1986年到2018年延时卫星画面对比。/CGTN gif




"You couldn't open your eyes when the dark wind sweeps across the land," said 48-year-old Gan Yongjun. The "dark wind" can be seen gathering from several kilometers away, the darkness blocking everything in view when it comes and you need to find a place to hide, he explained.

For the past 30 years, Gan has been engaged in the Kekeya green project – one of the campaigns launched by local governments in 1986 to alleviate the plight caused by unrelenting dust storms.

Engineers, geographers and other specialists were summoned to survey the land and figure out sources of water. The team was also tasked with seeking ways to turn sand into soil fertile enough for plants to take roots.

2007年6月16日,塔克拉玛干沙漠公路。/VCG Photo



"After water is poured, it would stay on the surface for eight to 10 days without penetrating the soil," Gan recalled. The high alkaline content in the soil far exceeded levels survivable for most plants, slowly corroding and eating away their roots.

To solve this problem, irrigation ditches filled with water were dug in the field in hopes that it would slowly seep through the soil and eventually dissolve the alkaline. Donkeys were the primary vehicle for transporting water.


"The trees we planted in the beginning died in large numbers," he explained. Yet, dissolution efforts carried on for four more years before plants were finally able to grow on the barren land.

People from almost every corner of the society – street vendors, firefighters, local officials – all participated in the ambitious and unprecedented greening project twice a year, mostly during spring and winter.

2018年10月5日,新疆阿克苏航拍,层林叠翠,风光秀丽。/VCG Photo





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