In recent years, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China has made great efforts in supporting employment. According to the region's department of human resources and social security, Xinjiang created over 75,000 jobs for poor residents in the first 11 months of 2019 and launched a series of free skill classes and other training opportunities for more than 180,000 people in the whole year.新疆地区还出台了一系列措施来支持和改善就业环境,例如向初创企业提供贷款和补贴。 2019年前6个月,该地区共投入约24.4亿元人民币(约3.548亿美元)用于促进就业和创业。The region has also implemented several supportive measures to promote the employment environment, such as providing loans and subsidies to startups. Some 2.44 billion yuan (about 354.8 million U.S. dollars) were invested in the first six months of 2019 to promote employment and entrepreneurship.众所周知,发展行业和增加就业机会是消除贫困的重要举措。新疆曾经是中国最贫困的地区之一,新疆的贫困率从2014年初的22.8%下降到2018年的6.5%。超过230万人成功脱贫。Developing industries and increasing employment opportunities are regarded as important measures to fight poverty. Xinjiang used to be one of the poorest regions in China, the poverty rates in Xinjiang dropped from 22.8 percent at the beginning of 2014 to 6.5 percent in 2018, more than 2.3 million people have been lifted out of poverty.此外,截至2019年底,新疆超过2400个贫困村庄的电网得到了升级改造。这些村庄中约900万居民从此可以获得稳定的供电。Also, by the end of 2019, over 2,400 poverty-stricken villages in Xinjiang had their power grid upgraded. Nearly 9 million residents in those villages can now enjoy a stable power supply.但是这些成就却未得到西方媒体的肯定。相反,他们在没有任何确凿证据的情况下,持续对中国政府的新疆政策发难。But none of these achievements have been recognized by Western media. Instead, they continue to accuse the Chinese government of its Xinjiang policy without any hard evidence.《纽约时报》上一篇题为《中国如何将新疆穆斯林少数民族强迫改造为工人大军》的文章称,“共产党希望将新疆的少数民族改造成忠诚的蓝领工人,为中国工厂提供廉价劳动力。”An article in The New York Times, titled "Inside China's Push to Turn Muslim Minorities into an Army of Workers," claims that "The Communist Party wants to remold Xinjiang's minorities into loyal blue-collar workers to supply Chinese factories with cheap labor." 关于新疆的真实局面,该描述可谓严重失实。令人痛心的是,外国媒体在报道新疆时,这种指摘比比皆是。This statement is a gross mischaracterization of what is happening in Xinjiang. Sadly, this type of claim has become commonplace in foreign press when reporting on Xinjiang. 文章开头指出:“中国官员的命令是明确而紧急的。需要逼迫穆斯林少数民族村民就业,无论他们是否愿意。政府设置了配额,拒绝服从的家庭将受到惩罚。”The article opens by stating, "The order from Chinese officials was blunt and urgent. Villagers from Muslim minorities should be pushed into jobs, willing or not. Quotas would be set and families penalized if they refused to go along."政府在鼓励新疆人民就业,然而标题却刻意指出,人们正在“被迫”去工作。他们到底想说什么?这些人难道是被押往办公室或工作地点?难道他们如果不去就会遭到惩罚?显然不是。因为没有任何证据表明这些人是被迫去工作。 The people in Xinjiang are being encouraged to get jobs. But the headline specifically says that people are being "pushed" into getting jobs. What do they mean by “pushed”? Are they physically marched to their office or place of work? Do they face some kind of retribution? No. There is no evidence that these people are being “pushed” or forced into work.文章继续说:“这些命令属于一项强硬的行动,旨在将新疆穆斯林少数群体——主要是维吾尔族与哈萨克族——改造成工厂和其他大雇主的工人大军。”文章暗示所谓的改造与为维吾尔族人提供就业之间存在联系。我不确定到底有怎样的证据能支撑下述说法:在工厂工作会剥夺这些人的人格,将他们改造成所谓的“工人大军”?The article continues, "Such orders are part of an aggressive campaign to remold Xinjiang's Muslim minorities — mostly Uygurs and Kazakhs — into an army of workers for factories and other big employers." I'm not sure what the link is between being remolded, as the article suggests, and offering employment to the Uygur people. What kind of evidence is offered to uphold this supposition that a job in a factory strips away the fabric of who these people are and turns them into an quote "army of workers"?接下来,我们再看一篇发表在《外交政策》上的文章。这篇文章标题一看便知来势汹汹——《新疆的新型奴隶制》。Next, let's turn to an article published on Foreign Policy. The headline spares no punches, reading "Xinjiang's New Slavery." 这篇文章认为新疆人民已经沦为共产党的奴隶。这种说法同样缺乏证据,稍后我会就细节进行分析。首先,我想审视“奴隶制”一词。当我想到奴隶时,我脑海中会出现一个被束缚着的人,戴着手铐,在被逼迫和殴打之下进行劳动并且挣不到一分钱。此文将这些新疆人称为奴隶,但却没有给出任何确凿的证据。The article argues that people in Xinjiang have become slaves of the Communist Party. Again, there is a distinct lack of evidence here. But I'll come onto the details later. First I would like to look at the term slavery. When I think of a slave, I imagine somebody who is being tied up, in handcuffs, forced and beaten to work for no money. The piece does not offer any corroboration after referring to those in Xinjiang as slaves. 文章承认,的确有数据支持中国政府的说法,即人们从职业技能培训中心毕业并找到工作。然而,文章马上话锋一转,宣称北京是想“通过强制劳动、代际分离和社交控制等一系列不当和侵入性举措使这些西北的少数民族被迫屈服。The piece acknowledges that there is data to support Beijing's claims that people are graduating from the vocational training centers and getting jobs. However, it succeeds this by claiming that Beijing's motivations are to "subdue its northwestern minorities predicated upon a perverse and intrusive combination of coercive labor, intergenerational separation, and complete social control."文章表示,中国政府不断鼓励东部企业在该地区开设工厂,从而实现上述举措。但是,为什么要将这种做法描绘成负面行为并贬为不当呢?难道该地区不欢迎投资和就业?难道要让失业和激进主义在新疆肆虐、恐怖袭击伤亡攀升?在写下如此耸人听闻的标题之前,作者真需要好好回答这些问题。It says China is doing this by encouraging companies from the east to open factories in the region. But why is this portrayed as a negative thing and degraded as perverse? Are investment and job opportunities not welcome? Or would it be preferable to let unemployment and radicalism take hold and let the deaths from terrorism continue to rise? The writer needs to answer these questions before writing such a sensational headline.CGTN记者王冠新疆探访:揭秘西方“恐怖”偏见