今天上午,国家卫生健康委员会召开新闻发布会,会上介绍了各地医疗队支援湖北的相关情况。 国家卫生健康委员会医政医管局副局长焦雅辉表示,目前,共有30支医疗队,共4130位医护人员抵达湖北开展工作,涵盖呼吸、感染、重症等科室领域。今天还将有13支医疗队,共计1800人抵达。截至28日晚,将有来自全国各地医疗队近6000人到达湖北。 据介绍,这些医务人员不仅是在支援武汉,前方也对这些医疗力量进行一个统一的调配。除了武汉以外,这些医疗队将在黄冈、咸宁、孝感、仙桃、天门等7个城市的定点医院开展工作。 China's National Health Commission held a press conference on Tuesday, during which it introduced relevant information on medics fighting against the novel coronavirus outbreak. A total of 4,130 medical workers in 30 teams have arrived and started working in Hubei Province, said Jiao Yahui, an official with the National Health Commission, adding that 1,800 medical staff in 13 teams will arrive on Tuesday. Jiao said that nearly 6,000 medical workers from across the country would be sent to Hubei Province by the end of Tuesday night. These teams were sent to support the medical personnel in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei and other seven cities in the province. 发布会上还提到了最近网上一句有关医务工作者的话让人十分感动——“国有战,召必回,战必胜”。 这群“逆行者”迎难而上,始终战斗在一线救死扶伤。 焦雅辉副局长在发布会上表示,“在医院隔离区,医生护士要最直接最密切地接触患者,感染风险是非常高的;医生戴N95口罩时间长会有缺氧感觉,又不能回家,各方面带来的心理压力确实很大。” 尽管面临着高强度的工作和极大的心理压力,医务工作者们“不计报酬,无论生死”。 他们用行动践行着披上白色大褂时所说的誓言:“我志愿献身医学,热爱祖国,忠于人民……我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛,助健康之完美,维护医术的圣洁和荣誉,救死扶伤,不辞艰辛……”
他们写着名字和打气口号的防护服,也让网友们不禁感叹:“当年那群喜欢在校服上写字的孩子长大了,他们也开始保护其他人了!” 除了医护工作者,连日来全国上下也正在团结一致,对抗疫情。 各地民众、企业自发捐款、捐资,守望互助,共同战“疫”。 与此同时,国际社会也施来援手。 联合国秘书长古特雷斯1月27日在会见中国常驻联合国代表张军大使时表示,联合国赞赏中方所作努力,对中方疫情防控能力有充分信心,愿向中方提供一切可能的支持和帮助。 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday said the UN appreciates China's efforts in battling the novel coronavirus outbreak and has full confidence in its ability in controlling it, adding that the UN stands ready to provide support and assistance. He made the remarks in a meeting with China's Permanent Representative to the UN Zhang Jun.美国总统特朗普发推文表示,对于新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,美国与中国保持着密切联系,美国愿向中国提供任何必要的帮助。 U.S. President Donald Trump said that his country will offer China "any help that is necessary" on Monday to control the coronavirus outbreak in the city of Wuhan. "We are in very close communication with China," he tweeted. 世界卫生组织总干事谭德赛已抵达中国,并将与中国政府及卫生专家会面。他表示希望能够了解疫情的最新进展,并加强与中国的合作,继续为此次疫情提供支持和防护。 World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has also arrived in China and will meet with Chinese officials and health experts about the coronavirus outbreak. In a tweet, the director-general said he wanted to strengthen WHO's partnership with China "in providing further protection against the outbreak." 日本外相茂木敏充表示,遇到困难时倾力相助的朋友才是真朋友。日方愿同中方一道,共同应对疫情威胁,向中方提供全方位支持帮助。此外,日本民间捐助的100万只防疫口罩也已紧急驰援武汉。 Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said that a friend in need is a friend indeed, adding that Japan stands ready to work with China to deal with the threat of the outbreak and provide all-round support and assistance to China. One million masks donated by the Japanese people have arrived in China's southwestern city of Chengdu and were rushed to Wuhan, according to Sichuan Airlines. 推荐阅读:李克强总理来了!武汉,加油! 疫 · 情:CGTN记者赵云飞的武汉手记 统筹调度全国医疗资源!今明将再派出12支1600多人的“国家队”驰援武汉 医疗物资有保障:CGTN记者实地探访武汉最大红十字会集散中心