Two cadavers of patients who died from the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) were dissected on February 16 at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital in China, which are the first dissections made to study this disease. Understanding COVID-19 through dissections could significantly help clinical treatments.Liu Liang, a forensic specialist at the Tongji Medical College in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and his team submitted an urgent report to relevant departments as early as January 22, which called for the dissections of cadavers with COVID-19.Why weren't the dissections of the cadavers conducted until February 16?早在1月22日,刘良就呼吁对新冠肺炎逝者进行病理解剖,并联合团队向相关部门递交紧急报告,强调病理解剖的重要性。然而第一例新冠肺炎逝者遗体解剖手术一直到2月16日才进行,这期间刘良团队遇到了什么难题?刘良:首先,场地保证不了,解剖场地必须是要负压的,但我们国家只有负压的实验室,没有负压的解剖室。伦理方面,我们要征求死者家属的同意,我们得面对面去沟通。这里包括时间、空间上的问题,所以难度很大。
Liu said in a CCTV interview that they had to get permission from the bereaved before the operation."We weren't able to meet the bereaved and talk to them at the hospital under this special circumstance (outbreak), and telephone contact cannot be counted as evidence… it was very hard to contact them," Liu said, adding that he was very anxious while waiting for the replies because patients were dying.In the afternoon of February 15, Liu received the notice that there were family members who agreed to donate their loved ones' cadavers for dissections.2月15日下午刘良接到通知,有家属同意捐献亲人的遗体做病理解剖,武汉金银潭医院同意将一间小手术室改造为解剖间。
In order to prevent cross-contamination, the dissections of bodies of infectious disease like COVID-19 must be operated in negative pressure operating rooms.
"We only have negative pressure labs in China, but not operating rooms," Liu explained.Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital agreed on February 15 to provide an operating room for Liu's team to conduct the dissections. The room is suitable for the dissections because it has the function of negative pressure, and it's small and sealed, Liu told CCTV.Before the operation, Liu and his team cleaned out everything that was unnecessary. "We worked very carefully to not to cause any contamination to the air, the ground, and the drain," Liu said, stressing that their protection level is higher than regular dissections. "We put on three layers of gloves, two layers of masks, two to three layers of hats, plus protection suits and goggles."2月16日凌晨一点左右,刘良团队三人进入解剖间,开始新冠肺炎逝者的第一例病理解剖。刘良:解剖前,我们集体给他鞠躬,鞠躬时间特别长。我们对这位逝者是非常非常地尊敬,发自内心非常感谢这些人,他们是大爱。
刘良:第一是第一例,要谨慎小心一点;第二确实是很难受。人在里面缺氧,到后面缝一针就大喘气,腰也不舒服。穿上那个服装,就跟宇航员一样,闷在里面汗不停地往下掉,会有脱水的情况。下半夜,也有饥饿的状态。Liu and his team spent nearly three hours to complete the first dissection."Everyone in the room took a bow spontaneously before the dissection," he said. "They (deceased patients) contributed their bodies to pave the way for healthy people."由解剖获得的新冠肺炎病理已送检,有望寻找到新冠肺炎的致病性、致死性病理,给未来临床治疗危重症患者提供依据。刘良:今天(24日)早上钟南山院士给我打过电话,他说他们前线的医生就等我这个结果了,否则不知道治疗到底怎么办,治疗效果怎么评估。
The results of the dissections have been sent for inspection in the hope to provide the pathology of COVID-19 for further treatment of patients."We have been discussing the preliminary findings and will send them to the frontline doctors in the next couple of days," Liu said.