据中国铁路武汉局消息,从4月7日的车票预售情况看,4月8日预计将有5.5万余名旅客乘坐火车离汉。第一辆驶离武汉的高铁,第一架飞向远方的航班,零点的江汉关钟声……此刻,我们距离江城苏醒只剩数小时。 武汉动车段,近百动车组列车停放在存车线上,整装待发。/图:@中国铁路官方微博 自1月23日武汉“封城”以来,千百万武汉人民在壮士断腕般的悲壮中捱过了76个漫长日夜。从凛冽寒冬到春暖花开,脚下的每一步都沉重而艰难。现在,人们有足够的底气激动和振奋。然而,武汉“解封”,并不意味着疫情结束,更不代表一切都已成过去。Nearly 76 days or 1,814 hours – these figures will be given a special meaning starting midnight on April 8, for China and the world, especially for the residents of Wuhan City, capital of central China's Hubei Province. Wuhan, the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in China, has been under lockdown since 10 a.m. January 23. And after days of sacrifices and persistence, a dawn is finally at hand. People will be allowed to leave the city and the province from Wednesday.Starting April 8, Wuhan Tianhe International Airport will resume domestic passenger flights, and passenger trains from Wuhan to big cities, including Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, will be ready to head out. More than 55,000 outbound travelers are expected to leave Wuhan by train on Wednesday after the city lifts its travel restrictions, according to China Railway Wuhan Group.
武汉多日零新增是无数人的努力换来的结果,但与此同时,另外两个数字也不容遗忘——截至4月6日24时,武汉市累计报告确诊病例50008例,累计死亡2571人。As of April 6, no newly confirmed or suspected cases were reported in Wuhan in 24 hours according to China's National Health Commission. But the coronavirus had infected 50,008 people in the city and killed 2,571.
城市的重启是在“有序放开、有序管理”中进行的,其中一个重要体现就是社区的防控要求不能降低,测温、扫码、询问、登记,一个环节都不能少:除此之外,无症状感染者的出现,也提醒所有人仍需提高警惕。Lifting restrictions on outbound traffic from Wuhan does not mean people can lower their vigilance against the COVID-19 pandemic. "Opening the door of Wuhan doesn't equal loosening prevention and control measures in communities," said Luo Ping, an official with the Wuhan COVID-19 prevention and control team. In fact, communities in Wuhan are still implementing strict prevention and control measures as required, including checking identities, recording relevant information and measuring people's temperatures. Residents are still advised to avoid outings as much as possible.近日,全国多地高三开学复课,尽管学校已采取各种防控措施避免交叉感染,但人流聚集还是难免会带来一定风险。 4月7日,长沙市一中开福中学,高三年级学生在课堂上听讲。/图:新华网
昨天,微博话题#黄山景区现场拥挤不堪#冲上热搜。网友发布的照片显示,黄山景区已开启“人从众”模式,现场拥挤不堪。5日早间,@中国黄山官方微博发文称,景区进山人数已达到游客流量限制两万人,目前已停止游客入园。黎明即将到来,但越接近黎明之时,越应当珍惜来之不易的今天。It is also notable that there are three colors of health codes in Hubei province, with red referring to confirmed cases, yellow for close contacts or suspected cases, and green for safety. And only residents with green health code are qualified to leave Wuhan after the city lifts its traffic ban.
与张静静一样,一群又一群平凡的医务工作者、公安民警、社区工作者在危难中挺身而出,为抗击疫情而永远地留在了那个寒冬。医政医管局监察专员郭燕红透露,在全国4.26万援鄂医务队员中有2.86万护士,其中80后和90后占护士总数的90%,90后护士占比达到了40%。On the night of April 6, nurse Zhang Jingjing who risked her own life to fight COVID-19 pandemic in Hubei Province died. She was part of the medical team from Shandong Province deployed to assist Huanggang city in its battle against the pandemic. Just before the end of her 14-day quarantine after she returned to Shandong, she had a heart attack and passed away. Zhang is just one of many other medical workers, police officers and community helpers who sacrificed their own lives in order to save others.
还有多少普通家庭,一夜之间失去至亲至爱,却不得不坚强前行。Some say that forgetting is human. However, it should be always remembered that during that long and cold winter, some people died so others might live. 2020年4月4日10时,全国默哀三分钟。一位武汉姑娘哭着跑向武汉解放大道,用镜头记录当时的武汉:三分钟后,红灯转绿,车辆复驶,行人如常。她无法抑制自己的情绪,在剧烈抖动的视频中痛哭——
生死之间 | 武汉重症监护室里的故事