

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-24
The pandemic is escalating racism and discrimination, especially against Asian people. Education and research institutions will pay the price as well. 
This February, the World Health Organization announced that a disease caused by a novel coronavirus should be called COVID-19, which was quickly adopted by organizations. This change implicates those who have mistakenly associated COVID-19 with Wuhan and even with Chinese people in existing news reports – including Nature – which says "we acknowledge that it was our fault to do so in the past, for which we take responsibility and apologize".

For years, it is common sense that viral diseases were associated with the regions where the first outbreaks began, as in the Middle East respiratory syndrome, or Zika virus, named after a forest in Uganda.

But in 2015, the WHO introduced guidelines to stop this rule and reduce the negative impacts on those regions and their people. The guidelines suggested the point that viruses infect all humans, regardless of region.

However, as countries fight the spread of the coronavirus, a minority of politicians insist on using inappropriate language. U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly linked the virus to China. Eduardo Bolsonaro, a Brazilian congressman and son of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, said the outbreak was “China’s fault.” Politicians in other countries, including the UK, have also said China is responsible for the outbreak. 

继续把一种病毒与某个地区联系起来是不负责任的,这种行为需要被制止。正如流行病学家Adam Kucharski在他2月份出版的《流行病的规则》一书中提及:历史告诉我们,流行病会导致地区被污名化,这就是为什么我们都需要多加注意的原因。如果有疑问,需依据可靠的证据来寻求帮助。
It is irresponsible to continue to link the virus to an area and such practice should be stopped. As epidemiologist Adam Kucharski points out in his research published in February, history tells us that epidemics lead to stigmatization, which is why we all need to be careful. If in doubt, seek help based on solid evidence. 

Since the outbreak was first discovered, Asians around the world have suffered racist attacks that have taken a toll on their mental health and lives. Law enforcement agencies say they will give priority to investigating crimes stemming from racial hatred, but such investigations may come too late for some of 700,000 Chinese students overseas. Most of the Chinese students studying in Australia, the UK, and the U.S. have already returned home before their schools were closed, and many of them may not return to school any time soon.

These students are hesitating to return to their universities, in particular, because of concerns about continuing racism, along with the uncertainty over their courses and the unknown of when international flights will resume. 

These young people will lose new social connections and employment opportunities, but the loss of students from China and other Asian countries will also affect institutions. This means a loss of diversity in higher education, which has not happened before.

Campuses have been trying to promote diversity for decades, and countries have developed policies to encourage international academic exchanges. Diversity is valuable. It encourages understanding and exchange between cultures, sharing ideas and lifestyles. 

Many leaders want to listen to scientific advice from experts and take action against the disease. We must make every effort to avoid and reduce the sense of discrimination among people in the affected areas. Do not link COVID-19 to a specific population or a place, and stress that the epidemic is everywhere. A world is a community of shared future for mankind, everyone could be attacked by the virus. 

If racial discrimination caused by a novel coronavirus causes young Asians to withdraw from international institutions, reducing their educational opportunities to interact with others, it will only make education and research worse. As the epidemic rages, medical research brings hope to humans, and discrimination leads to resentment. 



真相放大镜| “种族歧视”比“病毒”更可怕


