近日,一名瑞典小姐姐在脸书平台发布的一篇文章引来各国网友的围观。 布洛姆奎斯特是一名已经在中国生活了8年的瑞典女生,在新冠肺炎疫情爆发之初,她就听从中国朋友的建议,继续留在宁波。 这几个月里,她亲历了疫情形势在中国从大爆发到逐渐向好的全过程,也感受到全球其他地区对疫情态度的转变。 在这篇名为《中国是如何“欺骗”世界的》文章里,她梳理了四个月的时间里中国和欧美应对新冠肺炎病毒的不同举措和态度。 A Facebook post by a Swedish netizen detailing "How China 'lied' to the world" has gone viral. The post sarcastically summarizes and compares how China has reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic and how the West has ignored the warnings and blamed China after the spread went out of control in the past four months. Till date, the post has garnered over 9,700 likes and 9,000 shares on the social networking platform, with many netizens sharing their thoughts on "who" really "lied" during the combat against the coronavirus pandemic.