
真相放大镜 | 世卫组织的防疫建议,谁听进去了?

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-24

Testing, isolation, contact tracing- that's the message the World Health Organization had for every country to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.

Some listened. Others didn't. Some were able to turn the tide on the outbreak, others are still playing catch-up.
有些(国家)听取了意见,有些没有;也正如目前态势 一些国家扭转控制住了疫情发展 而另一些国家仍在奋起直追。

The to-do list by the WHO intended to save unnecessary loss of life and ease pressure on medical infrastructure by stunting the COVID-19 spread before things got out of control.

But who followed these recommendations and who went rogue?
那么有哪些(国家)遵循了这些建议 哪些依旧我行我素呢?

I'm Serena and welcome to Facts Tell.

By taking decisive actions, China is now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

On December 31 last year, when China reported the first cases of the novel coronavirus,the government kept the WHO and the U.S. informed of every step it took through direct communications and press briefings.
去年12月31日,在中国确诊首例新冠病毒病例后,立即通报世卫组织 也与美国直接沟通 同时公开发布每一步(抗疫)措施规划。

In early February, when the U.S. CDC confirmed the first instance of person-to-person transmission on home soil, President Donald Trump barred foreign nationals who had been in China in the past 14 days from entering the country. The move bought Washington time to prepare for what most experts saw as an inevitable onslaught from COVID-19.

That time advantage could've been spent developing tests and hammering out a plan for a test-and-trace approach,But Washington seems to have missed the mark.

In early March, health officials told lawmakers that only about 11,000 people had been tested for the virus in the U.S. By then, South Korea had already been testing about 10,000 a day.

In fact, by the third week of February, Seoul had thousands of test kits at the ready. Contact tracing was also on fast track.

Likewise in Germany. As early as mid-January, a Berlin hospital developed a test and made it accessible to others.

The government was testing people with known symptoms, few symptoms and no symptoms. They were also relentless on contact tracing.

On the contrary, the U.K decided to forgo rigorous testing and opt for the so called "herd immunity." Contact tracing? Not that I've heard about there.
与此相反,英国却决定放弃严格的检测,选择所谓的“群体免疫”至于接触者追踪措施? 更是无从说起。




