随着新冠肺炎疫情在全球持续蔓延,大银幕也变得“黯淡无光”。 电影撤档、剧组停拍、电影院关闭、电影节取消……被按下“暂停键”的世界电影业,迎来了一次巨大的考验。 面对冲击,电影人们也在寻找新的出路。 全球性虚拟电影节来了 视频网站YouTube和翠贝卡影视公司4月27日宣布与柏林、戛纳、威尼斯、圣丹斯、多伦多电影节等全球20多个电影节主办方合作,推出线上电影节“我们在一起:一个全球电影节”。活动将于5月29日举办,为期十天。 More than 20 film festivals around the world have joined together to stream movies free on YouTube after the coronavirus pandemic shuttered movie theaters and forced the cancellation of annual showcases. The 10-day "We Are One: A Global Film Festival" will feature content curated by the Berlin, Cannes, Venice, Sundance, Toronto and Tribeca film festivals, among others, starting on May 29, organizers Tribeca Enterprises and YouTube said in a statement on Monday. 本次线上电影节的展映内容主要包括长片、短片、纪录片、音乐、喜剧和对话节目等。不过目前具体片单还未公布,一些原计划在各大电影节首映的新片可能也暂时不会上线。 受疫情影响,戛纳电影节官方此前宣布取消原定五月举办的电影节;威尼斯、多伦多电影节能否按计划于九月举行也存在不确定因素。各大电影节的推迟、取消无疑让电影人们失去了一个展示作品的“重要窗口”。 The festival will showcase films, documentaries, music, comedy and conversations. No details of the programming were announced and it was unlikely that major new movies that generally launch at film festivals would be included. The cancellation of the May Cannes film festival in France and uncertainty around festivals in Venice and Toronto in September because of the coronavirus outbreak has robbed filmmakers and movie studios of crucial windows to promote their new offerings to the media and the public.
纽约翠贝卡电影节联合创始人简·罗森塔尔(Jane Rosenthal)表示,在这样一个需要治愈的时刻,此次活动将给电影人和全球观众们带来安慰和鼓舞。 Jane Rosenthal, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival in New York that also had to be canceled, said the idea was to inspire and unite people across borders during the pandemic. "All of the world needs healing right now," Rosenthal said in a statement. 本次线上电影节的内容将在Youtube免费放映,但主办方也鼓励观众为世界卫生组织的新冠肺炎协同响应基金(COVID-19 Solidarity Response)捐款。 Other festivals taking part include those in Jerusalem, Mumbai, Sarajevo, Sydney, Tokyo and London. While the festival will stream for free, viewers will be advised to donate to the World Health Organization's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. 走上“云端”是电影节的出路吗? 不过,“线下转线上”虽然给疫情冲击下的电影节带来了新出路,但部分电影从业者对这种方式并不青睐。 此前,戛纳电影节艺术总监蒂埃里·弗雷莫(Thierry Fremaux)在接受采访时曾表示不看好线上电影节的模式:“对于戛纳电影节来说,它的灵魂、历史、效率等都是线上电影节无法展现出来的。” The special film festival may offer a chance to both filmmakers and audiences to gather together during the coronavirus pandemic. Some believe that using online technology would pave way for an innovative trend of celebrating cinema. However, some film industry insiders still prefer a physical event rather than an online one. Thierry Fremaux, art director of the Cannes Film Festival, previously threw cold water on the idea about holding the Cannes Film Festival online. "(For) Cannes, its soul, its history, its efficiency, it's a model that (an online festival) wouldn't work," Fremaux said during an interview with Variety.
传统电影节除了是电影评比、展映、宣传舞台,也是电影行业的重要交易场所。部分片商、版权代理商也担心,电影节“线下转线上”后可能会对电影交易带来一定的不便。 除此之外,一些主办方也担心电影节转为线上后可能产生盗版、侵权问题,给电影制作方带来损失。 For cinephiles, film festivals are important events to enjoy cinematic masterpieces, while for filmmakers, they serve as good platforms to promote new work. Meanwhile, film festivals are also "trade shows" where people need to sell films and make important industry contacts. Film distributors and companies also worry whether sales will be affected when film festivals go online. There are also concerns surrounding issues like copyright and piracy. For example, if a film debuts digitally during an online film festival, it might immediately be pirated. The filmmaker will then have to bear financial losses since it will impact the distributors’ eventual purchase.