U.S. President Donald Trump has been playing ostrich in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday during an interview with the CNN. "President Trump has been like an ostrich in this whole crisis. He thinks by saying something, it becomes true because he wants it to happen, not that it will happen. So he said it was hoax, he said it will go away soon, he said warm weather. Two months ago, he said everyone who wants a test can get a test. That clearly wasn't true," the New York Democrat said on CNN's New Day. 舒默表示,与讲真话的福奇博士相比——
While being asked to compare Trump's response to the pandemic to that of the renowned U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, Schumer said "Dr. Fauci is a truth-teller" while Trump does not like the truth. "The president does not like the truth. He likes a story that helps his own ego on the day he tells it. And that has had severe consequences for this country. " 为什么将特朗普比作“鸵鸟”?↓
To describe someone as an "ostrich" is to say that one ignores obvious matters and pretends they don't exist. This expression has been derived from the supposed habit of ostriches who stick their head in the sand rather than facing danger.
"President Trump has been like an ostrich in this whole crisis."
就在特朗普被比作“鸵鸟”的前两天,专注报道时政新闻的美国《国会山报》在头版发表题为《蓬佩奥充当特朗普在中国和新冠议题上的攻击犬》的报道。 报道一开头就直言不讳地指出,美国国务卿蓬佩奥如今已成为特朗普政府攻击中国的头号“喷子”,不顾美国其他官员的不同意见和盟国的反对,炮制“新冠病毒责任在中国”等相关阴谋论。 Just two days before Trump was described as an "ostrich," American political newspaper The Hill published an article titled "Pompeo is Trump attack dog on China, COVID-19." "Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has positioned himself as the Trump administration's most aggressive China critic," the article said, adding that Pompeo has been pushing the argument that China holds responsibility for the coronavirus pandemic despite mixed messages from other U.S. officials and pushback from allies. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laughs as President Donald Trump speaks at the State Department in Washington, U.S., May 2, 2018. /VCG 报道引用康涅狄格州参议员克里斯·墨菲的观点——
The mixed messages include those from Chris Murphy, the junior U.S. Senator for Connecticut, who said in an email to The Hill that Trump administration's statements on the origin of COVID-19 are "far too driven by political considerations." "They are scurrying to deflect blame for a president who is foundering in his response to the pandemic, and China is a convenient scapegoat," Murphy added. 数周以来,蓬佩奥一直坚持将病毒称为“武汉病毒”,以支持特朗普甩锅中国的企图。在本应为抗击疫情而进行国际合作的关键时刻,美国却一直袖手旁观、推卸责任,这些做法不仅使得美国的国际信誉受损,更引发了美国多家媒体连日来此起彼伏、言辞激烈的批评。 当地时间7日,《费城询问报》刊文《指责中国掩盖不了特朗普应对疫情的大败》: 当地时间8日,《华盛顿邮报》刊文《蓬佩奥让美国外交声誉扫地》: 当地时间10日,《纽约客》刊文《特朗普指责中国的疫情应对策略是愚蠢的》: 种种迹象表明,有罔顾事实如“鸵鸟”一般的总统特朗普,还有不断突破外交底线的国务卿蓬佩奥,白宫抗疫不力几乎是必然的。 With an ostrich-like president and a secretary of state who rejects facts, it seems that the White House is doomed to fail in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. #2.关键词: "Ignored" & "Delusional" 值得注意的是,美媒在痛批特朗普政府抗疫不力的同时,也通过对疫情形势的回顾,找出了其抗疫不力的种种细节。
Recently, CNN disclosed new details regarding Trump administration's incompetency in dealing with the pandemic. Former U.S. Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco told CNN they left a 69-page "playbook" detailing their experience of responding to Ebola and Zika outbreaks, in response to Senator Mitch McConnell's claim that former U.S. President Obama left the Trump administration unprepared for a pandemic.
"That playbook was, of course, ignored," said Monaco. She also mentioned a program called "Predict" aiming to stop epidemics before they become pandemics, which was "defunded" by the Trump administration.
…… 事实上,特朗普关于检测的种种不实言论,早已招致各方“打脸”。微软公司创始人比尔·盖茨曾说,美国进行大规模病毒检测的能力远不及亚洲国家水平;弗吉尼亚州州长诺森也曾表示特朗普宣称“有足够的检测能力”简直就是“妄想”…… Besides, CNN's anchor Anderson Cooper on Monday examined comments made by Trump about coronavirus testing and pointed out that Trump's testing claim is not and has never been true. In fact, Trump's claim about coronavirus testing has long received criticism and denial from different parties. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, once publicly said that U.S. lags behind Asian countries in terms of massive coronavirus testing capacity. Besides, Ralph Shearer Northam, governor of Virginia, said it is "delusional" for Trump to say states have testing capacity. #3.关键词: "Shakespearean" & "Re-elected" U.S. President Donald Trump holds a COVID-19 response press briefing in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, U.S., May 11, 2020. /Reuters 路透社/益普索集团于当地时间12日公布的一项最新民调显示,随着新冠肺炎死亡人数持续增加,在过去一个月中,越来越多的美国人对特朗普持批评态度。目前,特朗普在登记选民中的支持率已落后民主党竞选人拜登8个百分点。 与此同时,美国人似乎也越来越不满意特朗普应对公共卫生危机的方式。民调指出,不认可特朗普疫情应对表现的人超过了认可者13个百分点——这是自3月初民调提出这一问题以来,净反对率最高的一次。 More Americans have grown critical of President Donald Trump over the past month as the death toll mounts from the coronavirus pandemic, and he now trails Democratic challenger Joe Biden by eight percentage points among registered voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday. Americans also appear to be increasingly critical of the way Trump has handled the health crisis. According to the poll, those who disapprove of Trump's performance at the helm of the country's pandemic response outnumber those who approve by 13 percentage points – the highest level of net disapproval since the poll started asking the question at the beginning of March. 此次民调的结果与著名影星罗伯特·德尼罗日前在BBC一档节目上的发言不谋而合——
The Reuters/Ipsos polling results have coincided with what Robert De Niro, the 76-year-old Oscar-winning actor, had to say during an interview with the BBC's Newsnight. Appearing on the BBC last night, De Niro described the situation at the White House as "Shakespearean," adding that "you've got a lunatic saying things that people are trying to dance around" and that "[Trump] wants to be re-elected. He doesn't care how many people die." 据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学最新数据统计,截至北京时间13日下午6时32分,美国新冠肺炎确诊病例达1,370,016例,死亡病例达82,389例。 As of 6:32 p.m. BJT on Wednesday, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. reached nearly 1.4 million, with 82,389 deaths.