此前,特朗普在没有提供任何证据的情况下发布推文,暗示加利福尼亚州邮寄投票是欺诈行为,会造成选民舞弊,导致“选举被操纵”。针对特朗普的说法,推特在这两则推文下方用明显符号标注 “获取邮寄选票的相关事实”,并超链接一个包含了相关新闻报道的事实核查页面,引导用户进行查证。
Twitter on Tuesday for the first time prompted readers to check the facts in tweets sent by U.S. President Donald Trump, warning his claims about mail-in ballots were false and had been debunked by fact checkers.The blue exclamation mark notification prompted readers to "get the facts about mail-in ballots" and directed them to a page with news articles and information about the claims aggregated by Twitter staffers."Trump makes unsubstantiated claim that mail-in ballots will lead to voter fraud," said a headline at the top of the page, followed by a "what you need to know" section correcting three false or misleading claims made in the tweets.Trump had claimed in tweets earlier in the day that mail-in ballots would be "substantially fraudulent" and result in a "rigged election." He also singled out the governor of California over the issue, although the state is not the only one to use mail-in ballots.这也是推特首次对特朗普发布的推文内容展开核查,并最终认定为误导性消息。据《华盛顿邮报》5月26日报道,推特发言人凯蒂•罗斯伯勒表示,特朗普的推文包含关于投票程序的潜在误导信息,因此被贴上了“事实错误”的标签,他们已经提供邮寄选票的更多信息供公众参考。Twitter confirmed this was the first time it had applied a fact-checking label to a tweet by the president, in an extension of its new "misleading information" policy introduced this month to combat misinformation about the coronavirus. The company said at the time it would later extend the policy on disputed or misleading information about COVID-19 to other topics.In response to Trump's "rigged election" caused by mail-in ballots, Twitter's fact-checkers said there is no evidence that mail-in ballots are linked to voter fraud.实际上,推特的事实核查工作自今年3月起展开,“可能会对民众健康带来直接风险”的推文会被平台直接删除,存在误导性的帖文会被添加警示标签。"In serving the public conversation, our goal is to make it easy to find credible information on Twitter and to limit the spread of potentially harmful and misleading content," head of site integrity Yoel Roth and global public policy director Nick Pickles said when the change was announced.Recently, the social media giant started labeling false or misleading tweets about COVID-19 and is looking to expand more broadly. But the company has not said when this tool would be available. Judging by the past, it is still not clear if these structures would apply to Trump and other world leaders.正值美国大选期间,民众的选择成为关注焦点。为减少疫情传播风险,多州已宣布投票方式改为邮寄,特朗普对此大为不满,多次重申邮寄将造成舞弊发生,甚至威胁要切断资金支持。此番推特的操作让特朗普“恼羞成怒”,他随即连发两条推文表示愤懑,认为推特的做法“完全扼杀了自由言论”,是在“干预2020年总统大选”,并强调作为总统,自己将“不允许这样的事发生”。In a tweet responding to the company's move, Trump accused the company of interfering in the 2020 presidential election. "Twitter is completely stifling FREE SPEECH, and I, as President, will not allow it to happen!" he said.
目前,白宫方面尚未对此事作出评论。特朗普的竞选团队经理布拉德•帕斯卡尔则对推特进行抨击,称推特试图借此阻挠总统向选民传递消息,最终目的是让特朗普的政治策略获得虚假的信誉。自特朗普当选以来,“推特治国”成为他独特的执政风格。由于与美国主流媒体长期针锋相对,特朗普常常亲自“披挂上阵”,将推特作为自己发表政见的主战场,日发推数量最高达几十条。Trump has long used Twitter as a platform to spread conspiracy theories and false information to his 80 million followers. Days ago, the president tweeted more than once to spread the rumor that coronavirus originated in China, although there is no scientific or official consensus about the origin of the virus.然而,其口无遮拦的言论和不时散播错误消息时常饱受争议,也使得推特因“忽视”领导人发表的错误信息遭到质疑。不少媒体认为,推特此举意在回应公众长久以来的批评。In thinking that politicians' controversial tweets could encourage discussion, Twitter often takes a hands-off approach to political leaders. Last year, the tech giant said it would consider slapping warning labels on some tweets published by world leaders, noting that all Twitter users follow the same rules. However, Twitter has yet to use such labels.美国新冠肺炎死亡人数近10万,阿肯色州正面临第二波“感染高峰”