据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学统计数据显示,截至北京时间25日晚8时32分,美国累计新冠肺炎确诊病例增至1643499例,死亡病例增至97722例。 美国现在依然是全球累计确诊病例和死亡病例最多的国家。 然而,美国全部50个州都已在一定程度上放松了部分隔离限制。其中,阿肯色州州长表示,该州一个泳池派对上出现了多人感染的情况,正面临着第二波“感染高峰”。 With over 1.64 million people having contracted the coronavirus and nearly 98,000 losing their lives to the disease, the U.S. is leading the world in the number of both COVID-19 infections and fatalities. The death toll is projected to surpass 100,000 by June 1, according to U.S. CDC Director Robert Redfield. However, all 50 U.S. states have either begun to allow businesses to gradually reopen or relaxed their stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures to a certain extent. In Arkansas, several people have tested positive for COVID-19 after attending a high school swim party on Saturday amid a "second peak" of infections, according to Governor Asa Hutchinson. 纽约时报: “美国接近10万人死亡,无法计算的损失” 24日,《纽约时报》的头版以“美国接近10万人死亡,无法计算的损失”为标题,密集排列着1000名新冠肺炎死者的姓名、年龄和身份,并在导语中写道—— “他们不仅是一个个名字,他们曾经是我们。数字不可能全面衡量新冠疫情对美国的影响,不管是病人的数量、被打断的工作还是戛然而止的生命。当这个国家接近10万人死亡这个灰暗的‘里程碑’时,《纽约时报》收集了一些逝者的讣告。这1000人仅仅是死者的百分之一,他们不仅仅是数字。” "They were not simply names on a list. They were us" – The New York Times on Saturday afternoon revealed its Sunday front page on its Twitter account: A list of names of 1,000 American citizens who succumbed to COVID-19. Each name was followed by a one-sentence description that introduced the person – Alan Lund, 81, Washington, conductor with "the most amazing ear." "The 1,000 people here reflect just 1% of the toll," the newspaper said of the list. "None were mere numbers." 正当美国人生活在痛苦和焦虑中,总统却潇洒地打高尔夫去了。 But where is the U.S. president as the country reels from the health crisis? …Donald Trump was seen golfing at his private club in Virginia on Saturday. 这是特朗普自3月份以来首次现身其位于弗吉尼亚州的高尔夫俱乐部。据CNN报道,包括特朗普在内,在场打球的人都没有戴口罩。 According to CNN, Trump and his golfing partners were not wearing masks. 美国前劳工部长罗伯特·莱克在社交媒体抨击道:当美国死亡人数接近10万,特朗普对数字提出了异议,然后去打高尔夫了。 Trump's weekend priorities drew a storm of criticism online, including from former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich.
不少美国网友也在表达不满: “美国已经死了近十万人,你就接着打高尔夫吧!你可以接着漠视下去!” “我们现在陷入困境的部分原因就是一月份出现疫情的时候,你选择了打高尔夫而不是开展行动。现在,在美国有近10万人死亡的情况下,你再次选择了高尔夫。我感到羞耻。” 更有网友贴出了特朗普2014年指责奥巴马打高尔夫的帖子,不无讽刺地问特朗普是否还记得。 In 2014, Trump criticized then U.S. President Barack Obama for golfing, writing in a tweet: "President Obama has a major meeting on the NYC Ebola outbreak, with people flying in from all over the country, but decided to play golf!" 美国5月失业率将达20% 七国集团峰会或推迟至六月下旬举行 当地时间5月24日,美国白宫经济顾问凯文·哈塞特在接受美国有线电视新闻网采访时指出,5月份的失业率或将达20%,预计6月份失业率将比5月份更高,但之后“应该会开始下降”。 哈塞特还补充说,特朗普正在考虑“下一阶段经济刺激方案的所有可能性”。 Kevin Hassett, a senior economic adviser to Trump told CNN on Sunday that unemployment rate in the U.S. will likely be at "a number north of 20% in May" and higher in June than May, but then it should start to trend down after that. Hassett added that another round of economic aid package could be coming. 另据美国国家安全顾问罗伯特·奥布莱恩5月24日表示,七国集团峰会可能会从原定的6月中旬推迟至6月下旬。 Trump's national security adviser Robert O'Brien said on Sunday that any in-person meeting of Group of Seven (G7) leaders will take place at the end of June. 今年3月特朗普曾宣布,受疫情影响,取消原定于6月10日在美国举行的七国集团会议。上周三,特朗普表示,他会重新考虑面对面举行七国集团峰会,称这将向各国传递“世界正在恢复正常”的美好信息。 In March, Trump cancelled the annual G7 meeting due to the coronavirus pandemic but last Wednesday he tweeted that he's considering hosting a summit because gathering world leaders in person would be a "great sign to all" of "normalization." 推荐阅读:白宫称副总统彭斯“目前没有隔离”,特朗普经济顾问:在白宫上班有风险 美媒:美国养老机构死亡病例占全国总数三分之一,或影响特朗普选情 奥巴马批评特朗普疫情应对,表示会尽其所能为拜登助选