U.S. President Donald Trump addresses a campaign rally at Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, N.C., U.S., March 2, 2020. /AP
当地时间9日,《纽约时报》发表报道称,据统计,在美国养老院和其他长期护理机构中,已有至少25,600名老人和工作人员死于新冠肺炎,约占美国死亡病例的三分之一。报道称,这可能导致特朗普失去老年人的支持。共和党和特朗普一直比较依赖老年人的选票,而民主党则在年轻选民中更有优势。COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes and long-time care facilities for the elderly in the U.S. account for one-third of the country's total coronavirus fatalities, according to the data compiled by the New York Times. The high death rate has cost President Donald Trump's support from senior voters.As of Saturday, at least 25,600 COVID-19 deaths have been reported in U.S. nursing homes and care facilities for older adults, while just about 10 percent of the country's infection cases have occurred in such units.In about a dozen states, including Maryland, Oregon and Colorado, such facilities account for an even larger segment — more than half — of the deaths.另据美国民调公司“早间咨询”(Morning Consult)的一项最新调查显示,老年群体对特朗普应对疫情的表现并不满意。在这种情况下,特朗普不是集中精力控制新冠肺炎疫情的蔓延,而是希望继续推进其竞选计划——他仍希望于8月份在北卡罗莱纳州的夏洛特召开共和党代表大会。然而,即便是北卡州的共和党人都认为大会可能无法如期召开。调查显示,相比之下,民主党总统竞选人拜登在65岁及以上的老年人中的支持率要领先10个百分点。The high death rate is having a negative effect on Trump's re-election campaign. A recent Morning Consult poll has found that his approval rating on the handling of the coronavirus is 10 points lower than the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, among those over 65. Trump's approval rating on the handling of the coronavirus was lower with seniors than with any other group other than young voters.Both — the Republican party and Trump — have relied on older constituencies, the United States' largest voting bloc, to offset Democrats' advantage with younger voters. As that has taken shape, the president has pushed the agenda to reopen the country that his campaign believes will lift his ratings. This includes sticking to the traditional political convention in Charlotte, N.C., in late August, with thousands of sign-waving Republican delegates from out of state filing an arena.But in North Carolina, state officials, even the Republicans, are not so sure. "I think it's very clear it may not be possible to host a convention as planned," said Edmund H. Driggs, a Republican member of the Charlotte City Council.据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学最新数据统计,截至北京时间10日下午4时32分,美国新冠肺炎累计确诊病例达1,309,541例,累计死亡病例达78,794例。The number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in the U.S. hit 1,309,541, with 78,794 deaths, as of 4:32 p.m. BJT on Sunday, according to statistics released by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.