
真相放大镜 | 全球抗疫,当务之急是什么?

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-24

It's been a long while since I last visited a crowded shopping mall. 

It's been a long while since I last sat in a corner coffee shop with other customers next to me chatting and laughing.

It's been a long while since my family and I watched movies in a cinema. 

It's only been several months. 

But it feels like a really long time. 

How fast can we get back to normal life after the COVID-19 pandemic?






At the moment, the best solution for stopping the virus and getting back to normal life is to work together. The pandemic has affected nearly all parts of the world. Any country that fights against the virus alone may take a very long time to slow it down. And it’s going to cost so many more lives if you have no one to watch your back. 


China alerted the WHO and relevant countries and regions on the COVID-19 outbreak at its earliest opportunity. Some countries and regions took it seriously and made effective measures to stop the virus. But some leaders ignored the alarm and called it the "Chinese Virus."


When the confirmed cases in the U.S. surpassed other countries, the Trump Administration used conspiracies as their weapon instead of putting efforts into stopping the virus and saving more lives. There is no evidence to support the conspiracy that the virus was made in a Wuhan lab.


Right now the most effective way to stop the number growing in the U.S. is to cooperate with China and other countries. We must unite to stop the virus from spreading. Major countries need to talk more, share more information on the pandemic, and give up decoupling strategy. 


We must stand next to each other to develop vaccines and medications to slow it down. We must work together to help the much less developed nations in the world by sending medics and equipment to save as many lives as possible. The virus may stay longer than we expect, and we may have other epidemics in the future. To get back our normal lives, let’s work together.  



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