6月15日,中央广播电视总台中国国际电视台(CGTN)的“全球疫情会诊室”特别节目迎来了一群特殊的嘉宾。他们虽然来自不同国家,有不同的文化背景,却都拥有能让父母哭笑不得的“超能力”。在中国,他们还有一个共同的绰号——“神兽”。 2020年,一场突如其来的疫情,让全球各国的家庭面临着同样的处境:学校关闭,孩子们不得不在长达几个月的时间里和父母朝夕相处。在不开学的日子里,孩子们都在干什么?网课好玩吗?家长们又是如何和“神兽们”过招的?来自中国、加拿大、美国的五个家庭,通过“会诊室”节目聚到一起,分享了这几个月里的甜蜜与烦恼。The COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools around the world, with parents and students adapting to the new world of online learning. While this is a critical way to practice social distancing, it can be disruptive.So how have families dealt with the changes? Five families from China, the U.S. and Canada shared their stories on a special episode of CGTN's livestream program "COVID-19 Frontline."孩子在家,身心健康怎么保证?Ways to keep children healthy and happy at home美国的温沃德一家从3月中旬开始,已经居家隔离12周了。克里斯塔·温沃德(Krista Winward)是一名学校顾问,她的丈夫杰伊·温沃德(Jay Winward)是一名律师,两人平时工作繁忙。疫情期间,他们与女儿们朝夕相处,没觉得有负担,反而十分享受难得的亲子时光。除了两个女儿,温沃德家里还住着女儿的表姐妹们。为了让女孩们的生活丰富多彩,克里斯塔为她们安排了各种活动,既有锻炼身体的户外运动,也有各种手工课、艺术课和读书活动。11岁的辛迪(Sadie)说,他们经常一起去户外登山,或者一起去商场,还一起制作了很多手工作品。女孩们展示了她们这3个月以来的“成果”:姐妹们画的油画、烤的面包、手工涂色的石头,石头上还写着一些她们喜欢的句子。女孩们说,她们还一起在线上读书俱乐部里读完了三本书。中南大学湘雅医院的小儿神经科专家陈晨和她六岁的儿子张欣栋(Danny)一起参加了交流活动。疫情初期,小孩子不能去户外玩耍,这对很多父母而言是一大挑战。陈晨说,她并没有遇到很大困难。她认为潜移默化的家庭环境和循序渐进的教育,才是保证孩子身心健康的前提。作为医生,陈晨从一开始就注意让儿子习惯居家生活,提醒他勤洗手、戴口罩、吃营养丰富的食物。陈晨还和儿子讨论病毒、疫情的基本知识,让儿子理解为什么需要居家隔离。陈晨说,尽管长时间在家里,儿子的情绪几乎没有受到影响。不仅如此,他还自己动手,制作了很多折纸玩具,乐在其中。 Children are naturally energetic and curious about the outside world. So finding ways to keep them healthy and happy at home has been a challenge for all parents.Chen Chen, a pediatrician with specialty in neurology at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, said that she often discusses about the coronavirus at home with her six-year-old son Danny and let him understand what's going on. She also teaches him to develop the habits of wearing masks and washing hands carefully with sanitizers, so that the kid knows how to protect himself from getting infected. Besides, she said the parents should spend some quality time with their children and keep them busy with some interesting activities. For example, she has done a lot of handcrafts with her son during the time, which Danny has enjoyed a lot. Dr. Chen's experience was echoed by Krista Winward, a high school counselor in the U.S. and a mother of two young girls. She has arranged a series of colorful activities for her daughters, including painting, making handcrafts, baking bread, reading and hiking."They have learned things they don't normally have time to learn, like baking bread," she said. Yang Weihan, an educator based in southwestern China and father of a six-year-old boy, said he's also encouraged his son to follow his interests, such as painting pictures of superheroes he's seen in U.S. movies."For parents, you need to be like kids, think like kids, and do things with them like kids," he noted. 每个孩子都绕不过去的网课Online learning: Challenges and benefits上网课是全世界居家隔离的孩子和家长们都必须面临的挑战,来参加节目的五个家庭也一样。出乎意料的是,孩子们普遍没有出现强烈的抵触情绪,都有自己独到的见解。鲍立铣医生一家定居在加拿大多伦多,他的儿子安德鲁正在读三年级。安德鲁虽然只有八岁,说起网课的优点和缺点来却头头是道。他说,上网课最大的困难是管理自己的时间,比如今天该交哪一门课的作业了,明天该学习什么了。他坦言没有课堂的约束,自己很容易在上课的时候走神。但他认为网课也有优点。比如,通过网课,他开始更熟练地使用互联网,这可以帮助自己解决今后可能遇到的麻烦。清华大学的数学教授张翼华有两个女儿,分别是11岁和6岁。他虽然是大学教授,但是在辅导女儿的网课方面,却常常爱莫能助。好在他11岁的女儿阿斯纳(Athena)不仅不需要他帮忙,反而十分享受独立上网课。阿斯纳说:“我更喜欢自己学习。我可以自主控制学习进度,也可以反复观看教学视频。”克里斯塔也表示,她的孩子们通过上网课学会了互相帮助。年长的孩子会帮助年纪小一些的孩子学数学,孩子们在学习上更独立,也更容易形成自我约束、自我管理的能力。家住四川成都的杨威汉和儿子杨宜彰一起参加了节目。他的儿子只有六岁,因此他和妻子为儿子制订了每日计划,帮助他形成良好的作息习惯,保证身体健康。他负责给孩子上英语课和体育课,妻子则负责数学和其他科目。在课余时间,他陪着儿子玩游戏、画画。他们居住的小区曾出现新冠肺炎确诊患者,但有父母的陪伴,小宜彰的心情没有受到影响。For almost all kids, online classes have become the new norm. Andrew Bao, an eight-year-old boy based in Canada, said the biggest challenge is figuring out how to organize his workload, especially since it's easy to wander and get distracted while taking classes online.Mrs. Winward's niece Sadie, an 11-year-old girl, said learning online is harder than in school because there are no teachers and classmates to help when she encounters a problem. But the kids also see benefits of online education. Andrew said it's been a good way to learn more about the internet and get used to it, since much of the future of work will involve technology.Athena, an 11-year-old Chinese girl, said she prefers to learn online independently because she can go at her own pace and she progresses faster than the majority of her classmates. Besides, learning online allows her to re-watch the video classes any time she wants. "When you learn physically, the teacher usually only explains it once," she noted.危机中也有弥足珍贵的亲情Precious bonding time在交流中,几个家庭的孩子们展示了自己在疫情期间制作的手工玩具、美术作品,还表演了新练的钢琴曲,新学会的中文歌。疫情带来的影响和危机还没有消退,病毒卷土重来的担忧也总是如影随行。但中国、美国、加拿大的家长们不约而同地认为,在这场危机中,他们收获了久违的陪伴在孩子们身边的宝贵时光。克里斯塔说,她喜欢和女儿们在一起的每一天:“我觉得疫情改变了我和孩子们相处的方式,也改变了我看待时间的方式,我把自己的节奏放慢了。这对于我而言是一段很美好的时光。”八岁的安德鲁说,他还没有和爸爸待够,他期待能和爸爸继续一起散步、跑步、做各种户外运动。Although the coronavirus has disrupted a large part of the normal life, parents and children said they've found opportunities to spend quality time together.Starting from mid-March, the Winward's has been under home isolation for 12 weeks. But Mrs. Winward called the time "a blessing" for her family."Our lives are so busy with so many things, so now we're able to slow down and spend time together with the family, and focus on what's important. It's been a gift in my family. I think it even changed how I look at things," she said.Athena's father Yitwah Cheung, a math professor at Tsinghua University, said the time has allowed him to be more engaged in their daily lives.Yang Weihan agreed. "For me, it's a once in a lifetime chance to be with my kid for such a long time. I enjoy it, most of the time," he said. 推荐阅读: