半个多月以后的7月7日和8日,1071万考生将迎来人生当中的一次大考——高考。受新冠疫情影响,今年的高考延期一个月举行,将是疫情发生以来全国范围内规模最大的一次有组织的集体性活动。 教育部表示,今年全国将设考点7000余个、考场40万个。为了保证考生的安全健康和顺利参考,教育部提出将以最严密措施做好疫情防控。 A milestone in the life of Chinese secondary students, the national college entrance exam, also known as Gaokao, will be held in a very special context this year, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to be the main cause of concern. To ensure the safety and health of millions of examinees, monitors and staff, China's Ministry of Education will adopt strict pandemic containment measures in over 7,000 exam sites with nearly 400,000 exam rooms across the country. A total of 10.71 million students are sitting the competitive examination, which was postponed by one month to run from July 7 to 8 this year due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. It is arguably the biggest public event with the largest gathering since the COVID-19 outbreak began. To ensure their safety, a slew of prevention measures will be taken, including wearing face masks and preparing isolation rooms for those with suspicious symptoms, according to the Ministry of Education. Students are preparing for the competitive examination in Ningbo, east China's Zhejiang Province, June 9, 2020. /VCG 国家卫生健康委疾病预防控制局一级巡视员贺青华在19日举行的新闻发布会上表示,对参与组考、监考环节的工作人员和考生,要提前14天进行日常体温测量和身体健康状况监测,做到每天体温测量并记录。考生和工作人员在进入考点前,均要进行体温检测并佩戴口罩。 低风险地区的考生在进入考场就座后,可以自主决定是否佩戴口罩;中高风险地区的考生要全程佩戴口罩。工作人员和监考人员全程佩戴口罩。 All students and staff should start to monitor their health situations by taking daily temperatures 14 days before the exam, and have to get their temperatures checked and wear face masks before entering the exam sites, said He Qinghua, an official with the National Health Commission, at a press conference held by the Ministry of Education on Friday. After entering the exam rooms, students in areas with low infection risks can decide whether to wear masks, while those in medium- and high-risk areas and all monitors and staff need to wear masks for the whole duration of the exams, according to the official. All students and staff have to get their temperatures checked and wear face masks before entering the exam sites. /VCG 据介绍,每个考点均设有备用隔离考场。如果在考试过程中出现了有学生发热、咳嗽等症状,由当地的卫健部门、疾控机构、医疗机构、专业人员按照事先的预案进行个案研判。可以继续考试、完成考试的学生,按照安排在备用隔离考场考试。隔离考场的监考员及工作人员需穿戴工作服、医用防护口罩和一次性手套等,必要时可穿戴防护服。 此外,考试前要对考点、考场、通道、门把手、桌椅、宿舍等进行全面环境卫生清洁与消毒。对于考场的降温和通风问题,贺青华表示,普通考场可使用分体空调或中央空调,备用隔离考场须使用分体空调,也可使用自然通风、电风扇等设备加强通风。 Special isolation rooms will be set up at each exam site, and students found to have a fever or respiratory ailments will first undergo a health evaluation conducted by professional medical staff to decide if they can continue to take the exams, He said. If they pass the evaluation, they will use the isolation rooms to take their exams. Monitors at these isolation rooms will need to wear protective suits if necessary, the official added. Additionally, careful disinfection and proper ventilation will be prepared in advance at test sites. A total of 10.71 million students are taking this year's Gaokao. /VCG Order and discipline to be ensured 教育部高校学生司司长王辉在发布会上介绍说,为做好考场防疫,国家教育统一考试部际联席会议增补国家卫生健康委为成员单位,并制定高考防疫和组考准备工作方面的详细方案。据悉,政府和学校还将优化考生服务,为考生提供健康包等防疫物资和心理咨询服务。 此外,公安部治安管理局副局长张佐良称,公安部门将净化考点周边治安环境,全力维护良好的考试秩序,积极为考生提供服务保障。 Police patrols around the exam sites will be strengthened during the exams to ensure sound security and traffic order in nearby areas. Wang Hui, a senior official with the education ministry, said relevant authorities and institutions at all levels will take anti-pandemic preparations for the exam very seriously and formulate detailed plans on the basis of local situations. The authorities and schools will also provide better services for students, such as supplying health kits and providing psychological counselling. Meanwhile, police patrols around the exam sites will be strengthened during the exams to ensure sound security and traffic order in nearby areas, according to Zhang Zuoliang, an official with the public security ministry. 预祝各位学子高考大捷