此前屡次将新冠病毒称为“中国病毒”的美国总统特朗普,又开始在病毒的名称上“搞事”了。当地时间6月20日晚,特朗普在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市举行的疫情后首场竞选集会上,将新冠肺炎改名叫——“功夫流感”(Kung Flu)。“毫无疑问,这种疾病的名字比历史上任何疾病都多。我叫它‘功夫流感’,我还能取出19个不同版本的名字。”Kung Flu是一个英文谐音梗。在英文词典中,Kung Fu意为中国武术,而Fu与Flu(意为“流感”)发音相近。
U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly used the term "Chinese virus" to describe COVID-19, prompting outrage from many civil rights groups and Asian-Americans. At his campaign rally on Saturday, Trump went further in his use of racist language, with the use of "kung flu." "Without question, it has more names than any disease in history," said President Trump, "I can name 'kung flu'. I can name 19 different versions of names."特朗普此番言论再一次遭到大量批评,这次还惹怒了“美国队长”的扮演者克里斯·埃文斯。埃文斯发推表示,特朗普用种族主义词语形容新冠病毒还以此开玩笑,这种做法“令人无语”。CBS华裔女记者蒋维佳曾在3月发推称,一位白宫官员曾当着她的面将新冠肺炎称为“功夫流感”。特朗普高级顾问凯莉安·康威3月曾矢口否认,称“功夫流感”这种说法“极度冒犯他人”,而今天特朗普在竞选集会上还在用这种说法。还有网友调侃道,很多人都拿不准特朗普到底是不是种族主义者,今天他用“功夫流感”形容新冠肺炎,可谓消除了所有人的疑虑。不仅海外社交媒体上“骂声一片”,英美媒体也纷纷刊文,痛批特朗普的“种族主义”言论。
美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)称,特朗普用种族主义称谓指代新冠病毒。文章提到,特朗普曾在美国疫情暴发初期就曾将新冠病毒称为“中国病毒”,引发巨大争议。英国《卫报》也指出,特朗普当初屡屡将新冠病毒说成是“中国病毒”或“武汉病毒”时就引发了众怒,并被警告称这种言论会煽动对亚裔美国人的种族主义和暴力。在塔尔萨的集会上,特朗普似乎在运用种族主义言论上又更进了一步。除了说“功夫流感”,特朗普在竞选集会上还多次“语出惊人”。他称“病毒检测是把双刃剑”,检测量越大,确诊病例就越多,自己已建议政府官员放慢检测速度。“当做检测到那样的程度时,你就要找更多的人(进行检测),你就会发现更多的病例。”此外,他还高呼政府在抗击疫情方面做得非常出色,强调自己挽救了数十万人的生命。Trump told thousands of cheering supporters he had asked U.S. officials to slow down testing for the novel coronavirus, calling it a "double-edged sword" that led to more cases being discovered. "When you do testing to that extent, you're gonna find more people you're gonna find more cases. So I said to my people slow the testing down, please."He also defended his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic during the rally, saying: "I saved hundreds of thousands of lives."对于特朗普“放慢检测速度以降低美国确诊人数”的言论,“美队”埃文斯似乎也十分不满。他转发了一则斥责特朗普的贴文,文中指出特朗普的做法与美国现在应该采取的行动完全背道而驰。事实上,美国的疫情形势依然十分严峻。截至集会当天,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数接近12万例。就在这样的情况下,特朗普在集会上讲话时并未戴口罩,参会者也大多没有戴口罩,无视健康警告。
就在集会开始前几个小时,特朗普的竞选团队通信主管蒂姆·莫塔夫宣布,6名工作人员新冠病毒检测结果为阳性,已立即采取隔离措施,这6人将不会参加竞选集会,也不会靠近与会者。Six Trump staffers tested positive for coronavirus as crowds ignored health warnings and gathered to hear the U.S. president speak Saturday at his first election rally since March. Hours before Trump is expected to appear at the rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, his campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said in a statement that "per safety protocols, campaign staff are tested for COVID-19 before events. Six members of the advance team tested positive out of hundreds of tests performed, and quarantine procedures were immediately implemented.""No COVID-positive staffers or anyone in immediate contact will be at today's rally or near attendees and elected officials," he said.然而,塔尔萨市的疫情形势并不乐观。据俄克拉荷马州卫生部公布的数据,截至当地时间20日下午(即竞选集会开始前),塔尔萨县累计确诊2206例,为俄克拉荷马州确诊病例最多的县。塔尔萨市官员担忧,举行竞选集会的场馆可容纳约2万人,这将增加潜在的病毒传播和人群感染风险。Critics, including Tulsa city officials, had already expressed concern that the event – at a venue with a capacity of 20,000 – would increase potential risks of getting infected and violated guidelines issued by the U.S. health authorities.According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health, Tulsa County reported the most cases – 2,206 total – of any county in the state as of Saturday afternoon.尽管如此,特朗普此前在接受采访时表示,参会民众可自行决定是否佩戴口罩。不过,参加集会的人必须签署一份免责声明:如果真的在集会上被传染,不能因此起诉特朗普及其竞选团队。However, Trump told reporters earlier in an interview that rallygoers can choose whether to wear masks. "I recommend people do what they want."Those attending Saturday's event will have to sign a disclaimer to ensure the president will not be held liable if they contract the virus.