
悦辩悦明 | 以眼还眼 龙象共舞?

CGTN 2021-02-14


Indian and Chinese soldiers clashed, and there were casualties. The world worries about the tear and wear of relations between the two Asian giants sitting across the Himalayas. They should, but probably they are worrying about the wrong thing. 


Yes, the two militaries have machineguns, artillery, and tanks. But they chose to use fists and stones, that fact itself says a lot about the restraints exercised on both sides. But what is alarming is the extreme reactions. 


As Mahatma Gandhi said, an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. Let us not be blind, especially when the future of a third of humanity is at stake.


China and India share so much. Geographically, we share 4,000 kilometers of border lines. Historically, we share two thousand years of relations. Yes, we fought a war in 1962 and still live in the shadow of that event, but that shadow pales in comparison with the bright arc of peace and stability.


So what is in the way of keeping the arc alive?

2010年,拉贾·莫汉在《外交政策》杂志上发文写道,“过去,印度通过与苏联结成事实上的同盟来制衡中国。如今,印度需要与美国达成战略伙伴关系以达到这一目的。” 这样的思维在印度有相当多的拥趸者,但它缺乏对大局的正确认识。

C. Raja Mohan wrote in Foreign Policy in 2010: "In the past, India balanced Beijing through a de facto alliance with the Soviet Union. Today, it needs a strategic partnership with the United States to ensure that China’s rise will continue to be peaceful." This kind of thinking has quite some following in India. But it belies a bigger picture.


The world is different. Geopolitics is no longer as relevant as before. Today, no country would invade another to extract resources, since it can make deals through trade; also, it wouldn't enslave another for labor as they can find a better bargain in joining hands within the global value chain. Both India and China need to think in this context. 


And they need to refresh their memories and rebuild the image they have about each other and each other’s future. India and China are neighbors, and they want to become great powers together. There is only one way: try to trust each other and look to the future.


I remember my visit to Delhi in 2016 for some Belt and Road interviews. The immigration officer questioned me for 20 minutes on my purpose of visit, from my philosophical beliefs to the origins of my family and my favorite writer; I guess he was either very interested in talking or very suspicious of me. All of this while 300 people were waiting behind me.

一旦民族主义凌驾于实用主义之上,机会就会白白流失。中国两国都在边界处修路搭桥, 但双方并不需要排挤对方, 而是共同建设。

When nationalism trumps pragmatism, opportunities are lost. Both India and China are building roads and bridges across the border, but they need not outbuild each other, they can build together.


Even though the participation in the BRI could remarkably boost Indian infrastructure, India said "thanks, but no thanks." When Chinese investors are eager to set up businesses and their Indian partners are craving the same thing, they are not always welcomed in government buildings and civilian sitting rooms.

印度会成为强国, 但前提是必须对外开放,就像中国在20世纪80年代所做的那样。而当其走向开放的道路,中国将是印度最好的选择。让我们来看几个数据。2019年,中印两国贸易额仅为920亿美元,仅占中国与东盟国家贸易额的四分之一。可是,这两个国家是亚洲最具发展前景的经济体。

India will be a great power, but only when it is ready to open up, as China did in the 1980's and when it opens up, there won’t be any other direction better than China. Let me give you some numbers, trade between China and India was merely 92 billion U.S. dollars in 2019, a quarter of China-ASEAN trade. And yet, they are the most promising Asian economy. 


And amazingly, after the border scuffle, a leading body of Indian traders has called for a nationwide boycott of Chinese goods as they want to cut trade by another $13 billion this year. But the traffic of people is more worrying. In 2018, only 300,000 Chinese visited India, and the same year eight million went to Japan.  


We used to send our best monks, traders, and thinkers to each other’s countries, now we trade slurs on television and shout slogans on the streets. The dragon and the elephant deserve better, and we can start by knowing better. 


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