

CGTN 2020-08-24

美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的新冠疫情最新统计数据显示,截至北京时间6月28日17时,美国确诊病例为2,510,323例,这个数字令人震惊。


Experts have done numerous researches on how the U.S. got here, including the lack of policies from the Trump Administration, large-scale testing and tracing, and low awareness of citizens. 


哈佛肯尼迪学院《错误信息评论》的主编艾琳·帕斯奎托(Irene Pasquetto)表示,大量研究数据显示,由于社交媒体在病毒爆发初期报道力度不足,公众对病毒缺乏足够了解。


Three new studies, however, on the impact of conservative media reports on the pandemic, offer a fresh perspective to the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States. Researchers believe that the consumption of far-right media and social media content may have led to lower concern about the virus, slow preventive measures by the public, and the worsening situation in the U.S.  

These studies analyzed how pro-Trump media outlets give out misinformation and conspiracy theories, as well as let people's guard down despite the rampant spread of the coronavirus. One research suggests both infection and mortality rates are higher in places that consume more of this type of media than in places where mainstream media is more prevalent. 

"We are receiving an incredible number of studies and solid data showing that consuming far-right media and social media content was strongly associated with low concern about the virus at the onset of the pandemic," said Irene Pasquetto, chief editor of the Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, which published one of the studies, according to a Washington Post report.  

With regards to amplifying misinformation and entertaining conspiracy theories, one of the studies, published by researchers of the University of Illinois in April, shows people who get their information from mainstream print and broadcast outlets are more likely to make accurate judgement on the pandemic, while those who rely heavily on pro-Trump sources, like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, tend to be misled by conspiracy theories. 

此外,美国国家经济研究局(National Bureau of Economic Research)对这些错误的信息如何影响人们的行为方式展开了研究。


主要研究人员安德烈·西蒙诺夫(Andrey Simonov)强调,考虑到同一时期民众在家闭门不出的总体倾向性上升了20个百分点,这个影响是“相当大”的
The second study, posted by the National Bureau of Economic Research in May, examined how wrong beliefs may bring about incorrect actions in real life. They took stay-at-home behavior as the major indicator of the study, and found a 10 percent increase in Fox News viewership reduced its residents' preference to stay home by about 1.3 percentage points. 

Andrey Simonov, the study's lead author, told the Washington Post that effect size is "pretty large," compared to the total stay-at-home behavior in the U.S., which increased by 20 percentage points during the study period.

Sean Patrick Hannity


Tucker Carlson



The third study published in June also found that Fox News viewers are less likely to comply with public health guidelines than consumers of other media. But it takes the analysis a step further. They found big differences in content between the two shows, which resulted in different behaviors of their viewers.  

It turns out that Hannity viewership was associated with changing pandemic-related behaviors (like hand-washing and canceling travel plans) four days later than other Fox News viewers, while Carlson viewership was associated with changing behaviors three days earlier. 

Given the importance of individual behavior in curbing the spread of the coronavirus, it stands to reason that places where people were slower to take preventive steps might see more severe outbreaks, the study concludes. 


Altogether, the three studies have demonstrated how different media coverage about the coronavirus has affected whether people took the epidemic seriously enough and took preventive measures timely, which has influenced the markedly different pandemic trajectory in the country.




美国媒体人痛批美国政府:疫情当前,还在做 “没有感情的战争机器”!

