A new series of frozen treat has been rolled out at the famed tourist spot West Lake in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, to welcome the hot summer. In shapes of the Broken Bridge, blooming lotus, the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, and squirrels, each ice pop has its own West Lake feature behind its creative design. Among them, the "Broken Bridge" was best received, especially among young customers. The pair of ice pops depicts the romantic scene in the legendary Chinese folktale "White Snake," when the two first met at the Broken Bridge, thus starting a romance still fascinating many among the Chinese. The new products are now available at stores of the West Lake scenic area.“断桥相会”棒冰的原型,还原了白娘子和许仙在断桥相会的场景。白款是白娘子,绿款是许仙。情侣们买上一对,走上断桥,把各自的一半合起来,灵犀相通。这种方式,瞬间让吃冰变得甜蜜有趣。莲叶田田,菡萏娇颜。西湖里的荷花,也成为古代文人骚客抒情的素材。柳永将繁华旖旎留在了西湖里,“三秋桂子十里荷花”。佛门也独爱这一池盛开的荷花,“十里荷花与天色湖光相连,仿如清幽别致的仙境,让人挪不动脚步。”这款以盛放荷花姿态作为冰品造型,让你的舌尖品出盛夏,心之所动,万般流连。Other treats include a lotus-shaped ice cream that highlights one of the best views of the tourist site during summer.西湖有三座爱情桥:断桥、长桥、西泠桥,每一座桥上都流传着一个可歌可泣的爱情故事。长桥上的梁山伯与祝英台,两人在桥上送别,来来回回十八次,桥虽不长,但情却很长,故世人将此桥称为“长桥”。每到春暖花开时,长桥边就会闪动着许多的蝴蝶,象征着梁山伯与祝英台克服重重的阻碍,最终化成翩翩彩蝶,比翼双飞。这款冰品也寓意有情人终成眷属,希望爱意可以在七夕蔓延。The West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the eastern city of Hangzhou, has debuted a pair of ice pops in the shape of butterflies, one in blue and the other in pink. The inspiration came from a Chinese legend about the tragic love story between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, often known as the "Chinese Romeo and Juliet." Another pair, "The Broken Bridge on the West Lake" features the most well-known bridge at the site.
冰酪,因为不加一滴水的缘故,只有鲜奶和鸡蛋,入口刹那,浓郁的奶味就弥漫了舌尖,中间的夹心缓缓流出,撬动你的味蕾。童年记忆 | 小时候的怀旧品牌,助力经济全面复工复产